xxxtentacion tries to possess me or sumn

Date: 8/22/2018

By squidward

i was in the shower and i realized x had died. i was devastated and turned into tyler joseph. i rented out a house that he stayed at once so i could be in his space. i got a memory type thing idk but i wasn't there for this part of my dream. i saw that girl from damon and jo and she was with drake and she had a spell on her so that every time drake ate parmesan cheese, she'd become extremely attatched to him. anyway, damon and jo were separated and the guy looked a lot like my history teacher from last year. i was friends with the guy in this dream and he used to live in the house i was gonna rent out. the house was tiny and had bad vibes. the bedroom had lots of chocolatey colored walls/flooring. the house had graffiti everywhere, even on the toilet seat, and there wasn't power, just sunlight. as soon as i got there, i had an out of body experience. that's why i called the guy from damon and jo right away, bc i was scared a ghost was inside of me. he said that my experience was weird, but to be expected since x probably did it to me.