I dreamt i had to go home because there was a severe storm coming of rain. I was in my childhood home’s garage and I was alone in the corner of the gara...
there was some other dream i had where i wasn’t me at all and i wasn’t even physically in the room. there was this family in front of the mirror. i hear...
dreamt there was a fourth member of the jonas brothers. not many people knew about him because he was banished from the group. his name was aiden. he wa...
dreamt i was laying down on my bed on my stomach with my chin in the palm of my hands. i had my laptop in front of me and i was staring at it. it was ju...
was in this house and the blue tiled bathroom was missing a wall. i was standing in there looking out the window. billie eilish was walking outside. the...
dreamt there was this thing in my apartment building where one person would look like a demon at all times. i noticed it when i was standing in the midd...
zayn malik died and everyone from one direction was sad. they walked around on a cruise ship acting like they were in a music video while whispering the...
dreamt i was at my cousins old house where there was this competition being hosted that was kinda like the voice i guess except no one sang so idk what ...
dreamt i was in bed with blake shelton. not sexual at all. then, i got spaghetti on his pillow. don’t know where this spaghetti even came from. i was li...
i dreamt that i was alex russo and in the third trimester of my teen pregnancy. justin came along and was like “wtf alex, i’m so disappointed in you. fu...
this guy called mariah carey and said “my wife always says ‘we goin with caution. in the mix.’” mariah was like “wow. very cool”. then, the guy said tha...
i was beyoncé’s neighbor and snuck into her house by accident. i ended up in her bathroom and ate chocolate from the bathroom by accident. i turned in...
i was on some school bus and it was raining. i got off the bus with the group of people i used to get off the bus with. the rain started to turn to snow...
i was on some sims 3 website and found shaders and was like damnnn wtf that’s so good how is that so good. the end
i was in a public bathroom and i noticed that exactly six tampons were taken away from the sink counter. they were taken away because there was this guy...
i was in this weird mixture of minecraft and real life. everything looked normal, but everything was made out of blocks. there were people around me a...
i was outside of a school and i knew i had to get on bus #18 to get home. i looked around i realized all of the busses already left and only cars were l...
i was at a school and in swimming class. my task was that i had to give mariah carey a makeover while she was swimming. i had a picture that mariah wa...
all i can remember was an alarm going off and it was playing the first few lines of obsessed by mariah carey
this dream was movie quality tbh it was night time and i was in this rich neighborhood. almost like the typical new york rich neighborhood, but with a...
i was in this garage at this party. i had a boyfriend and he was a musician. i realized that he got me pregnant and i went to tell him, but when i walke...
i accidentally broke into some person’s house and no one was home. i heard a phone ring and i went down to the basement and answered it. a girl was talk...
i was in this underground cave area and it had water. there were so many traps that other people set up to kill me. i tried to step on them on purpose b...
i had a christmas shrine in my room and i was wearing a santa hat. i wanted to ask someone what christmas movie i should watch, but then i remembered th...
i was at school and news broke that mr.krabs had been shot and that he died. everyone started to sob. mr.krabs was also named evan, so everyone called h...
i got an alert on my phone saying that it was extremely deadly to go outside. so, i decided it’d be a great idea to go outside. i took my phone and star...
i snuck my laptop into the bathroom and played the sims 3 in the shower as water rushed over my clothed body
i met up with sophia and angie at the park. the first thing angie and i said to each other was “schlattcoin” at the exact same time. i turned to sophi...
i saw some shiny silver keys sitting on this ledge outside with no one around them and i had such a huge urge to touch them, so i did. once i did, i rea...
i was with my mom and she was going on vacation for two days with her bf. there was this shampoo bottle called “two day vacay” and it was advertised to ...
i was trisha paytas and shane dawson was my boyfriend. we were also business partners, so we were getting ready to go to some meeting together. i rememb...
i took sophia to this restaurant because she wanted to go. i ordered the food and sat down. we waited an hour and the food never came. i asked the lad...
i was extremely pregnant and at this restaurant. i had a husband (idk him irl) and i told him “not to freak you out, but i think i’m getting contraction...
i was at this zoo (not really. it was just a wide open space with animals in separate areas) and a cage opened. a monkey came out and i played with it. ...
i was at my old house in the basement. it was raining, i could hear it. there was a grand staircase (the type that has two staircases side by side). i...
this boy was getting in trouble for parking his car. it was green and he even folded it in half to park it. some guy next to him started yelling at him....
i was with spongebob bill gates. bill gates was mad at spongebob and left him out of the group because there were posters on the wall that said “hello, ...
pitbull (mr.worldwide) saw me inside a burning car. i looked up and was ready to die, but he elegantly reached down and pulled me out of the car and sav...
i had a string of lucid dreams for a huge portion of the night (like for around 3ish hours) but it was torture. i was in my room (which wasn’t my irl ...
twenty one pilots was having a concert in my old living room. tyler was doing his thing during car radio on the platform. there was a kid on the platfor...
josh dun was in my kitchen. i couldn’t interact with him unless i was a “high quality person”, so i just kinda circled around the kitchen for a while bc...
i dreamt that my alarm was going off and instead of it saying “stop” at the bottom, it just said “damn”
emilia had kids and they were so annoying holy shit (why do i feel bad saying that when they’re not even real, make it make sense) anyway, she went to ...
i was at this camp and i was in a group with ariana grande. we had these cards and they let you stay at the camp. my card ran out of money and ariana no...
cam made me d in the libing r, i saw my neighbirs on yout7uvbde msje somr artsy shlower video with green sweatshirt on girl
i was outside in the snow with my oompa. we were throwing snowballs and this little girl came who was his granddaughter who neither of us had met before...
i was on amazon and i saw paint mixing things. i added the word makeup at the end of the search and the same mixing things popped up with 9 foundations ...
(minus the b) runo mars is ban
i was at this evil stuffed animal bear place. the bears were all possessed and were set to be animated on loop. their eyes would turn red and they would...
in thisxhkussecabfctgerr was an invisible fire. i had to try and pull people out but i was toovweak. tone was also frozen for me. when time unfroze, tfe...
i was drake from drake and josh and i went to my mom’s work (which wasn’t really my moms work. the ceilings were so high.) my mom came to me and was a...
i was in some class and evan was across the room. we didn’t know each other though. we got paired up by the teacher and i brought my hamster to class. ...
i was in new york and i was talking to some guy. i told him “this doesn’t feel real at all. it feels like a dream.” and then i caught myself on that wor...
i lived in the middle of this abandoned society. thanos came and demolished everyone. i was hiding in this dumpster trying to avoid his slayage, but he ...
i was in this groupchat with my friend and my hamster. evan and i were talking and whatever, and then my hamster comes into the group with full caps and...
i was in english class with this kid and he failed. the teacher yelled at him because he was being smug about failing. it was time to go home and i wal...
i was in this narrow hallway with annaleigh. the hallway had two dead ends. my english teacher was grading me to see if i could make one side of the hal...
i was on youtube and accidentally discovered that my mom was a popular youtuber. so many people commented saying she was the next filthy frank. i decide...
i was at this dinner table with garrett, shane, ryland, and a couple other people. i don’t know what happened, but shane and i fought and i swore that h...
i was scrolling through twitter and saw some guys tweet. it said “i don’t know why this dude still thinks i’m sexy when he KNOWS i fart a lot”
i was at my old house and running around and hiding every chance i could get because there was this demon chasing after me. she had a bloody knife and ...
i was mariah carey (from 1991, not the current mariah) and i was sitting at this rock outside on the side of a road. there were bushes in front of me, s...
i was at my old house and in my old room. my grandpa came in and told me i had a project to do. he said i needed to take a picture that he printed out o...
i was shopping with b and for some reason, we thought it’d be hilarious to buy condoms. so, we bought a red box of them and went to cameron’s house. we ...
i was at a party at my old house. i heard a song in the distance and i thought it was slob on my knob. i started screaming the lyrics while singing “slo...
i hung out with this guy. people thought he was really cool. he went on snapchat and took a pic and drew a man using red ink on it. i said streaks out l...
i think my dream was just an audio dream. i heard this boy talking and then the audio kind of stuttered and then i woke up a few seconds later. it did t...
i was at a twenty one pilots concert with my mom. she was so annoyed the whole time, but i was having the time of my life. when trees came on, tyler for...
my mom was driving the car and we were on the highway. these weird grey creature things kept jumping in front of the car. i said to myself “if one of th...
halle begged my mom to let her sleep over my house. she said yes. my mom drove us home. it was night. once we got to my house, i looked outside and th...
i was really small and i was on a counter. there was trash in front of me (which was huge bc i was so small in comparison) and i was pushing it to try a...
i was traveling all over the world. each time i traveled, i’d be gifted with the knowledge of knowing the languages of the places i was going to. i reme...
is this the second time this happened this week (or the the third or fourth?nobody knows) anyway, i was being a stupid bitch in my dreams and straight u...
i remember walking into my old school. the one that starts with a W. i heard myself say “you’ll need to remember this day in the future” and i thought t...
there was a page on instagram called @FRIEND372838833 (idk the numbers, they were all random) and evan commented under a post and said “hello, friend” a...
my dream was completely black, but i heard music. i heard this weird mashup of santeria by sublime and what’s love got to do with it by tina turner. i’m...
i was at a cemetery. people around me were crying. i looked down and there was a rectangular hole and inside, there was a headstone shaped like spongebo...
i dreamt that my phone’s alarm was going off at 10am on the dot and the alarm said it was time for chemistry class. when i woke up from my dream, i grab...
someone commented under one of my posts on instagram and said “ew. i love it. but ew 💛”
i was in this graveyard (why do i keep dreaming about graveyards) and i decided i didn’t wanna be sad. i made every gravestone say “shrek” on it and it ...
i found these year old cupcakes that whitney houston and i made together. i saw one of mine had chocolate chips all around the outside of it with brown...
(irl, i ended up falling asleep in my online class and saw that everyone left the meeting except for me and my teacher. i then had this dream bc i went ...
idubbbz was my teacher. i can’t remember what he was teaching me exactly, but he was teaching. we had to go to the auditorium for something. the auditor...
i was at this restaurant and it was in the uk. it was night time and there were fairy lights for decorations. i think it was new years eve. i turned int...
i was at c’s house and her dad was there and we went outside to shoot a music video. it was for drake. as we were waiting for the shoot, i was waiting i...
i wat this store called “breathin (by ariana grande) leaked”. the store was a book store and a clothing store and a hotel. i was scared to stay in the h...
i was on this plane with my mom, some people i don’t know, and ariana grande. the plane was very very wide and the seats were close at the sides. there ...
i was staying at this house with a lot of people who i didn't know. i went in my room that i was assigned to and noticed that it was big. i got one hal...
i was at this store and these two big men come in. they followed me around the store, but not in a creepy way. i also wasn't myself, i was some tall man...
i was at this jungle place. it was kind of set up like a playground would be or maybe more like the mcdonalds play area. it had places to walk in the sk...
i had an old friend on instagram and they followed me on all their gnat accounts. i followed back on all them, but it felt awkward following gang accoun...
i was in the shower and i realized x had died. i was devastated and turned into tyler joseph. i rented out a house that he stayed at once so i could be ...
I woke up between this and my last dream, but it was the same mansion. I took my mom to this mansion because I thought it was abandoned. It was located ...
I was friends with the grinch and he took me to this house that felt pretty haunted and he pulled out this green paper like thing and claimed that it w...
My dad was staying in this house with my mom and I and he was trying to kill us and there were big windows and it was sunny. I think he wanted us to ord...
The grinch gave me this disease that other humans don't have. At one point, he disappeared and it wore off. I was at cams house in the bed under cam's b...
All I can remember is I was watching my mom tweeze hair off some guys leg
Tyler and Josh from twenty one pilots owned this pawn shop and called it 21 pawns (how clever lol). This man came in and was trying to get them to buy h...
I was walking to my car and I couldn't see or hear anything. When I could get my senses back, I was in this tiny box that felt like it was moving. I rea...
I was at this hotel swimming pool with Jess and some other girl. We were at a hot tub in the swimming pool, not in it, but at the edge. We decided it'd ...