Quarantine saga of the last couple weeks

Date: 4/12/2020

By DevaJu5395

I drove to a skating rink that I somehow knew I had been to the night before. I pulled into the back of the parking lot and brought with me a bag of gear and clothes to change into. I went through the back door into a locker room to change, but the room was full of punks evidently getting ready for some secret show in the locker room. I began to change in the back of the room, I don't remember everything I was wearing other than rainbow striped knee socks. I was almost done getting ready when my mom showed up and said something about my son. I put up my bag and followed her into another room and suddenly the interior was set up like a house. I found my kid in a bedroom, cuddled in a comforter on a really high bed. I suppose I noted the height of the bed because he was only a toddler even though he's 11 irl. I told him to do something for me while I was gone and I gave him a kiss. I also kissed mom on the mouth on the way out - if him being a toddler wasn't a hint that I was dreaming, kissing my mom should have been because we're just not close like that. --- I was driving to a concert in a big city, and found a loophole to park near the arena after realizing the parking lot was full; I pulled up to a strip mall across from the arena, and parked in a front a business that washes and details cars. I signed up to have my car detailed, and when I began walking across the street, a couple of people who had parked next to me feel in step with me and simultaneously we realized we had used the same loophole. We chuckled about it, introduced ourselves, and proceeded to the concert together. We ended up hanging out long after the concert, who the artist was I have no clue. We decided to get our cars and go out to eat, so we started back across the street. Immediately I noticed my car was gone; someone was detailing a different car in the spot I had parked in. My new friends noticed the same had happened to them. We stormed into the business, who claimed they had no idea what had happened, and that they were about to close. I said to hell with that and sat down in the middle of their hallway, refusing to let them leave while I called the police to make a report. As I was calling authorities, I noticed my new friends walk outside and assumed they were making their own calls. I was informed over the phone that police would arrive shortly, so I settled into my seat on the floor and waited for quite some time, still insisting the business stay open. A good half hour went by before my supposed new friends showed up after having gone to eat without me, and just waltzed up to wait for the police I had called upon. I glared at them with their takeout boxes. I was hungry, and pissed. --- I was staying in a motel on a local island, my room was a suite, but there was no wall separating them. Basically, it was a mirrored floor plan with double of everything, except the side that wasn't mine had a bunch of motel stuff in it, almost like the motel was full so they rented me half of a suite that they used to make breakfast, stock extra ingredients, store broken furniture, etc. While there, my mom and a couple friends I don't know irl showed up and we ended up playing games all night. At one point, I looked at my phone (which was a cheap flip phone that looks just like the one we have for prison calls to my brother) and realized it was after 4am. I told them I had to check out as early as possible because I needed to get to work and they needed to help me pack up. There was an urgent tension in the air, like we weren't supposed to be there. Mom said something about wanting to shop and suddenly they were gone and I still hadn't packed everything up. I decided to go into the lobby and check out, and planned on hurrying back to pack the rest of my stuff before they came to clean. As I was leaving the lobby, an ex showed up and I begged him to help me pack. He relunctantly agreed, despite neither of us wanting to be near each other. He helped me bring my stuff to my jeep parked on the sea wall. I thanked him and we parted ways, as I intended to find mom and whoever she was shopping with. I ended up in a crowded area that looked like downtown, even though irl it's way beyond walking distance from the sea wall. It looked like the usual historic building blocks of shops except there was a covering over the street and there was a strange layout of benches and seats, like spaced out seating in an airport. I was calling for mom when I came across an irl friend. I suppose the pandemic was happening within this dream because I felt that I wanted to hug her but I knew I shouldn't touch her. We started looking for mom together and we found her sitting with my grandma, aunt, and cousin. They were lounging around, like they were resting or waiting for something - and my cousin was stretched out across a bench sleeping, and she was topless. It made me uncomfortable and I looked away. Then I told everyone I needed to use the restroom so I went to this line of port-a-potties that were completely open - I proceeded to do my business, skipped wiping and flushing, didn't wash my hands, and went back to them and said I was going to look for another irl friend. I found him in an alcove of the seating area, swinging in a hammock chair. I told him to come with us because we all needed to go. He didn't seem to want to, but he finally joined me and we went back to everyone except our other irl friend was gone. We told the family to stay and we took off looking for her. We finally found her coming out of the weird port-a-potty. She didn't see us and started to walk in the opposite direction so we took off running after her. I felt myself stopping myself from touching her, and finally I just grabbed her by the arm, whirled her around, and we started escorting her back to our family so we could leave. --- I'm at the university library, trying to figure out which floor to go. I'm meeting some choral group to sing the national anthem with at the kickoff of a football game happening that night. I finally find them in a study hall close to the highest story, and we sit on the ledge of part of the roof while we practice, which basically just includes deciding which key to sing in. So we're hanging out on the roof deck, just kicking it. One of the singers asks me if I'm excited about the game and I say, "Not really. My brother played for like a decade and I got burnt out on it." We begin to hear the marching band playing in a processional from their practice field all the way to the arena. Once they pass the library we go down and fall in line behind them. They make it out to the field but we stay under the bleachers and share a few microphones, out of sight, as we sing the anthem a capella.