Was in a philosophy class on a college campus with my dumb ex husband. We were assigned some kind of abstract scavenger hunt so we all dispersed. I thin...
Was at some kind of camp out with hubby and oldest son. Everyone there was someone I used to go to church with. I got confused at one point and thought ...
Family that ran a tech company and big PC game lost their toddler son but wouldn't give authorities his name. He wanders onto our property, looking maln...
Having dinner with family at a resort style retirement home. I'm confused because some stuff on the menu has prices and others don't. They say my family...
Visiting with Haley and Laura. Haley talking about how her friend is suicidal because she can't take care of her bird and I asked why doesn't she just k...
Nelson called me to pick up Acted like no big deal so I brought Sha But I got there and he was in bed with a child I was upset but tried not to set him ...
I had my baby very very early and she came out looking exactly like my grandmother with short dark curly hair, a round face and a full set of teeth lol ...
I infiltrated this weird underground church that would choose someone to be a vessel to inhabit the personification of virtues and their sinful counterp...
Visiting Elecia and Jamie, they have some psychedelic candy and we take it before going to Galveston. We get there and it's flooded, like we're driving ...
Mildly lucid the other night, all I remember is flying and how amazing it felt. Last night I dreamt I was with this sexy chick I met irl recently, only...
Very very convoluted I wish I could remember more but the main thing I remember is being on a road trip with some couple and their elderly mom. We passe...
I was at some kind of school dance and one of our teachers was doing this weird demonstration with grasshoppers. She went around attaching them to the b...
I was sitting with some coworkers in a ground level foyer of wherever it was we worked. It was like a historic department store that had been split up i...
Went to a local stable to check out horses and bulls and realized that people stayed there and inside was like it's own little town. There was a restaur...
Saw my ex at my job and it was so vivid, I truly thought it was real and that I was finally seeing him after breaking up eight years ago. I wanted to te...
Been seeing him a lot in Dreamland lately. My son was younger than he is irl, like 4 or 5 which makes sense because he was that old when Jake and I star...
Somehow my fwb is fucking me while driving to his house. It feels amazing and I don't want him to stop. He comes out of me and starts stroking himself s...
- I was nursing a toddler version of my son So happy to finally have a milk supply I felt like I had finally done something right I went to find my husb...
I was carrying my friends baby.. Not like a surrogate, but somehow I had her womb in my womb lol. Anyway i began to go into labor, but it wasn't normal ...
Hanging out with an irl friend, laying on our stomachs on an ottoman or something. She starts messing with her shirt and I look down and realize she had...
- in a gym with Jason and a bunch of other people Adults and children Lined up to take pics or something Then we notice a commotion outside the doors G...
I met up with this random group of friends I had just met, I think we were staying in a beach cabin. There were several guys and they were hanging out o...
I'm a new "entertainer" for a club, in what feels like the 40s. I'm in a little apartment presumably above the club, hanging out with my "manager". We'r...
My friend (that I know irl) came into a bunch of money, 5,300 to be exact. He wanted to pay it forward so he took us to an electronic store and started ...
What the title says? On this sprawling property with about 20 people, I suppose everyone is there on their own because they start pairing off deciding w...
- a girl stuffing someone's pet mouse into a box and throwing it at me to get rid of it. I freaked out and wouldn't let it touch me because it's tail wa...
Strange movie like dream, I feel like I'm acting on a set but everything is improv. Hanging out with some guys who are raising a lizard for one of their...
I was hanging out in a dorm room with people I don't know irl, we were clowning around in the restroom and my clothes got wet so I dug around in the cab...
I was running home on the freeway barefoot, Flintstone style. I was going pretty damn fast and I was thinking about how tough my feet must be lol. I too...
I was with a church congregation, but had a sense that everyone had wandered in on their own simultaneously; no one seemed to know each other except for...
I'm at a house party with a bunch of strangers, and am feeling a little anxious until I run into a friend. I'm excited to see him, maybe a little too ex...
In a laundromat that is a cover for some kind of illegal operation I think I work there I approach the manager with an empty wallet in hand Saying, "thi...
Couldn't sleep til almost 3am and had to actively make up dreams before finally falling into a strange dream about being on a boat with some people I kn...
Jason and I were staying at Dixie and Beau's while they were out of the house. I went out to the back yard just as the sun was setting and realized ther...
and it was super vivid. I was drenched in sweat, and kneeling at the foot of my bed. A woman came in to help me, felt like a relative but no one I know ...
Dreamed about our sisters again I was on the phone with Brea And we were arguing I don't know what about Only that I was upset because I knew That Ashl...
Something about me and some girl fighting over Michael? Like she was sitting on him while he was laying on the floor watching a movie or something and s...
Driving somewhere with my mom, Son and my husband We stop at a riverside See people playing in the water And alligators approaching them I start freaki...
Hanging out at a university with a couple - a fit blonde and a guy that looked like Ryan Renalds with a messy bun and stretched ears, and he was wearing...
Hanging out with Lala and like Jennifer Aniston and we're making fun of Kat Dennings for getting married to this dorky guy from Sweden or something. I s...
Using a coed restroom at a university I go to the first toilet I see And realize it's the only one without a stall And it's see-through for some reason...
My son called me from school saying he was lying down in the hallway because he was in so much pain. I asked why and he said he had pierced his chest. A...
I was in what felt like a nursing home, although the only people I saw there were the workers and children who were referred to as 'visitors.' I was tol...
I went up a ridiculous amount of stairs to meet the president to turn down his invitation to a Sunday brunch and then got lost looking for an elevator a...
Having dinner with my ex husband and he's wearing a black glittery suit, and half of his face is covered in glitter. He falls asleep in the booth and I ...
Some kind of counseling Speaking into a microphone Answering questions on a screen Mounted to wall In sitting on the floor Next to a hospital bed Holdi...
In a parking lot in my jeep with my ex husband, on the lookout for some friends coming out of the store. This known dealer dude, skinny little punk, ap...
I'm on a floating dock in the middle of a lake. I see a pile of phones and personal belongings in a corner of the dock, and notice a line of people bala...
I took a friend I don't know irl, named Brynlee, shopping in a thrift store. She got really into it and shopped until they were closing. I dropped her o...
I drove to a skating rink that I somehow knew I had been to the night before. I pulled into the back of the parking lot and brought with me a bag of gea...
This time Caleb had gained a lot of weight, but in a good way. He was really filled out and seemed really healthy. He had cut his waist length hair and ...
Willy pregnant and dancing with woman Don freaking out over spending 40 dollars I'm in a college class in a dorm room Then suddenly at this strange mot...
I was trying to play a transverse flute but it had been haphazardly painted white and the keys were stuck, not to mention there was a huge dent in the m...
I'm walking down a street when a pickup truck whizzes passed me, careening side to side. As it swerves to a stop on the side of the road, I notice a car...
Not sure what happened but a friend pissed me off and me and my boyfriend brutally murdered her with our bare hands. I had a chance to bring her back an...
Brea was getting ready for a meeting with her job, she was wearing a skirt suit and had her hair straightened and it was really long, more than halfway ...
I was in my friend's house with her mom. The house was the same layout as irl but it was flipped and not mobile. There was a pool in the back, that's wh...
I was in the warehouse of my mom's store chopping my hair off worse than Brittany style. I got embarrassed and put a wig and turban on and then my mom e...
- I was pulling chickens out of a tractor and placing them into a pen. They had whiskey bottles connected to their backs and the owners said they would ...
Fuzzy dreammemory of doing a worksheet and writing my name as "Dear" at the top of the page.
I was riding in the backseat of my boyfriends car, I think we had just dropped my son off at school which is why I was sitting in the back. As we were h...
Some old friends bought a property near my house and they were having a little celebration in some kind of art studio. We were forming a big circle of p...
A deep blue Peter Pan and Wendy are walking on this dock overlooking a lake. They're talking casually as Peter occasionally dips his toe in the water. E...
This creepy guy trying to fuck this girl She has teeth in her butthole He starts pulling them out Stuck in a house with that guy and some other creeps ...
Can't remember the specifics but I was watching two girls getting frisky at some kind of campground.. Later in dream I'm with my ex husband trying to go...
I was riding with Chrissie to my place, which was like a shared housing facility. I was pointing out her new haircut and she was talking about how her g...
I'm in this diner with a few female friends, showing off a fresh branding on my left shin. It is a cursive M and there's a design or some writing undern...
I was sitting in a car with a woman, getting ready to go inside whatever place we were parked at. I look into the visor mirror to check my makeup and I ...
Jacob had come over and was hanging out with Jason for a long while. I didn't realize he had come over until he was leaving - I was walking into the gar...
...visiting my dad in some island high-rise apartment, we're looking down at people arriving from a cruise ship. I say "hey there's Daniel Ratcliffe! Wa...
My sister and her deceased best friend were using an editorial magazine for inspiration to make a photo story with this musician that was touring throug...
Walking around with a group of folks under some kind of trance. Jason and I are unaffected but playing along. A woman seems to sense that not everyone i...
Hanging out in a tattoo lounge, there's a wading pool upstairs and I'm floating along topless. I go down to check out the rest of the place and hang out...
Family was coming over bringing me stuff for my birthday, at my mom's place in New York state. Haley showed up with some gifts and was talking about how...
I was on the brink of death, and I went to another dimension, an alternate reality where I saw people I knew from this life but they were slightly alter...
I almost wrecked my jeep in the rain.. I side-swiped a building but I didn't feel a thing so I had a vague realization that I was lucid. I was rushing t...
I was working at the museum with my manager, it was just the two of us there. We were in a different building in a strip mall. I took a break to walk ou...
I'm visiting an unfamiliar city with my family but I'm compelled to meet these acquaintances for a late night swim. I sneak out of the hotel room and tr...
Me and two of my queer friends decided to become a triad - one is a gay guy, the other a nonbinary born female. I'm straight irl and was confused by how...
Going through my grandmother's stuff in this warehouse, everything was up high on scaffolding and I had to use a crane and pulley system to get up there...
Standing on a deck overlooking a big fenced in playground and field with children everywhere. I seem to be working there as some kind of food server but...
Walking down a street at night with Betty, talking shit on lauriann about her music. I say that it sucks how she dropped out of our band, because she pr...
Very scattered.. Living in a beautiful multi story home with my mom and irl son and friend. I hear my kid screaming outside and he comes in bleeding. Ap...
My kid (10 irl) is like 3 and he's with me and my mom at a Mexican restaurant. While waiting to be seated, we're asking if certain friends are working t...
Exploring different kinds of strange aquatic creatures in an aquarium with my irl boyfriend. Trying to help this guy get power to an outdoor space with ...