Strange binding circle

Date: 1/20/2020

By KayDeeKay

I'm not sure who I was in my dream, i was just a made up character who had a father and brother. We are traveling in the mountains and get attacked by some kind of lion monster/creature. My mother dies in that battle and gets eaten while we run away. The rest of us find this shop along the cliffside overlooking the valley of the mountains. We go there badly injured and start walking around looking for help. There is a larger than normal looking man (think he was half demon)had really long hair with trinkets and feathers woven into it, sitting in a circle in the middle of the room. There are two others sitting with him kind of staring off into space. The demon man is cooking some kind of soup and beckons us to come over and sit. I don't feel safe, but my dad and brother go in. The second they go in this barrier of light shoots up briefly, that for some reason only I could see. Maybe it was because I wasn't in the circle yet. My father and brother sit down next to the demon and each take a bowl of soup. The second they start eating, their wounds being to heal. The demon never says a word, he just quietly stares at me. I shake my head at the demon saying I won't come in, and call out to my family. But for some reason, they can't hear me anymore. I start walking around looking for help, but can't seem to get anyone's attention, it was like I was invisible. I don't know how I realized it, but I came to terms that my family and I ended up in a different dimension, and I was in this realm for where the demon lived. Time moved differently in this realm and I wandered around for a long time. One day another man came into the house and I was able to convince him to not go in the circle. The man becomes a father figure to me in the dream and pretty much adopts me. At this point, the life has been drained of my real father, but my brother seems to be somewhat alive. The rest of the dream is trying to find a way to break the barrier. I learn that the demon is also trapped in his own barrier and he has been forced to kill humans due to some curse. Unfortunately, the dream ends there so I don't know if I break the curse or not.