Date: 4/11/2019
By rubslug
Really horrid dream that lucy and I were being held captive and tortured by some inane looking young girl . Sometimes she looked plain but pretty sometime like just a dark hole. We spnt a lot of time drawing singing and playing games . In the beginning of the dream I don’t think it was lucy and I, it was me Nd my son. One day we finally made a real escape — we made several attempts throughout the dream. The house was completely white and a while after the escape we came back and painted the whole thing deep blues, Browns and greens. It was kind of as a way to get back at her, it was symbolic and we were so happy . She caught us at the end and took us bsck. At one point there was a very strange “shot” which I can’t remember the context for but our captor kind of twisted her body and looked up out of a window or doorway that she was sitting on. The “camera” zoomed up and she got smaller and smaller, the light from the room she was in forming a yelllw square with her bursting from it. The frame filled up with more and more black, then revealed a huge decorated ceiling with black and white tiles, it was lit somehow. It was very beutgkful . The girl kind of smudged and blurred below and the frAme froze. The dream ended with another escape , she caught us as we were putting our shoes on. I realized she was somewhat immortal or resistant to injury. She talked about her life before this for a while, she apparently was a dancer . She said she was so jealous of us. I had the tiny pair of orange craft scissors and as she led us back upstairs I stabbed her over and over in the back. I took her into another room and started cutting her into the tiniest pieces I could with the scissors and told lucy to go get the stuff we needed .