Has many but my last one was me trying to park at this big brick building at the side of a highway w a driveway directly but it was so packed I couldn’t...
Dreamt I was as cheating on Dyl w another part of him and neither relationship was going well. I met the other guy while Dyl and I were in a long fight....
Communist club is a part of, his friend who leads tries to kill be n no one believes jt the whome time
Lil’s dream: Me and her driving on a mountain , extremely twisty road and the car was swerving all over ... Mind: D showed up to dinner with a random...
Crowd downstairs chanting .... The house i live in now, started by the window while D and i hugged, “Ruby’s in the closet , Ruby’s in the closet.” D w...
Sorta ab my desire to be chosen i spose Using high school people to fill the slots I was finally going to parties having met Jack O in a clsss and hi...
Lots of crazy dreams last night many of them adventurous and having lots of strnGers and nothing to do w love. But ofc the only one I remember does. In ...
We were into some crazy ass matrix shit/. I became the first person to be electric. They charged me up i this weird tube and my personality changed but ...
Lil Taylor and I have been out and they are drubkkk. Lillian sleeps in the car, I don’t want to be at tAylors long. I’m just stopping by. I can’t recall...
High sch was going to France for a bike trip and we were having a practice run in la crescent. Started in a friendly old couples house. lil n i went tog...
. I was taking a class w Vincent her and I guess he was teaching us tai chi? But it was a series of mainly minuscule hand postures almost like hand yog...
In one, sushi Pirate hired another girl —. A teen, and moved friers to the front, dramatically expanded the menu so that we had tons of more work to do ...
Dreamed i was so late to sushi pirate my family member were just laaayin around. Then my mom told me my grandma got a job there too and I was so pissed...
A giant Gila monster that walked and acted like. A man was in Morrison’s tank. There were 2 with a smaller one originally and the smaller one ate Morris...
Whole narrative cream ab a movie ab a woman named Cecilia who had a mental breakdown. She was our mom in the movie. We lived in the Arizona desert and o...
I was in like an outdoor survival class aboit lakes and rivers with jeremy and other random ppl from school and my TOK prof was the teacher . We were at...
Had a dream d’s cock was ridiculously huge like a beautiful serpent and it was grate
Dad was looki at my knees and said those look really loose looks like you might need to get them completely peeled up And off to fill it up inside. The...
Dreamt D used to be tumblr famous and LD date a lot of different girls and they had long call out posts an him. It wasn’t anything bad but I was like :|...
Dreamt I aS doing acid at acholl . I was a little screwed but felt so powerful Then dreamt I was at college and couldn’t find my science lab class. I ra...
I had a big Xanax really thicc and some ice coffee
Landlord was there .. idk someone mad about a little black cat?? Maybe that was a different dream. A l while later one of my male neighbors came by wit...
Some kinda dream I was in a big group of performers with like old west and mosinee people but all adults now. J was there we all seemed happy. We weren...
I had a long long dream where I fought with mom . It was so horrible She thought SO badly of me. Nothing I could say could make her love me. And she did...
Vipassana was a horrible horrible cult . I can’t remember all that heppened, only really after we escaped. Somehow we got out - linnea me stephanie and ...
I had joined some type of fetish group composed of a young beautiful woman, a fat one, and 2 goofy guys among others . I knew the two guys from an earli...
Lots of dreams ab sushi pirate and lil .. one I can remember best, she and I went shoplifting at Salvation Army , then got caught, then went into this o...
A nightmare very confusing I was a young girl living with just mom and dad In LA in an apartment It wasn’t very safe and I never closed the blinds out...
Dreamt I was texting J Then dreamt me and xtina and her friends were st this old auntie type dealers house and she sold us some uppers and was so crazy....
lil and I were I guess checking out the weird cool spots in this super old building . It was supposed to be haunted but it was decorated like the 80s,ju...
I was a slightly older woman living in what seemed like a New York Apartment . Sprawling , huge, with green carpet, strange little rooms, and tinge yell...
I dreamt I was in a room wearing a small pink shirt and my jean skirt with mason and cade and abby and others i can’t remember why or who But outside...
Had a reslly funny dream about some dad who not was mine sn at the end he put Juul pods in his ears like earrings
I dreamt we were at a different looking college but it was still the End of the year. I woke up and my diary was out the table cade was using for his bo...
Really horrid dream that lucy and I were being held captive and tortured by some inane looking young girl . Sometimes she looked plain but pretty somet...
Seemed I was in a play with pranav jeremy and Kieran and ofhrs this was. A huge play and Lillian was a producer of some kind. It was a big big deal but ...
Nice dream about timmmy hanging out in my hose I think or maybe it was jesse but I had to gon to sleep cuz lucy got home ... very nice
Back to middle school everyone’s really nicejeremy ks so cute my sister is there too it’s like a little red school house but in japan
He was like going out with Philip and also me and some other girl. We were aallll in hnparents old room in their bed. I was waiting for him and Phillip...
Voló was running all over my hands and playing with me af times she would bite . Once I thought wow has she lost her spikes!
Abby is showing us these awful emo ass old YouTube videos of her like recounting all her issues in life and I wanna strangle her s bad. She’s trying to ...
Me and lucy we’re driving around trying to find food . We drive past the McDonald’s drive thru and a lady hangs out the window with an ice cream cone (w...
Went to a movie with Cades new friends and human but everyone at college sad there and the movie was really trippy and goOd and Cades friends were hotte...
Starbucks made his sandwich: - graham cracker - weed - pepto bismo - a rat on it - all painted pink
Lil and i were walking in a room with big bright windows and pillars . I said honestly , I think we are all one soul. She says wow and our pace quicken...
I found a couple of kittens in the dorm and had a largerdorm room in the dream with some airportesque blue carpet. so decided to try to sneak him in. Th...
We Junped in mirras car and Bella in the front with. Needle in her arm I’m like can I have a Shot and she gives me a shot.
I dreamt volbrectasaurus snapped me something about me coming up to a cabin with his buds or something and I didn’t answer bc i knew he had snapped the ...
I’m on a plane ride and an extremely cute boy across from me sitting with one of my RAs. Keeps looking at me and mouths he wants to sit by me. I olote a...
Dream after dream about cade he’s different to me in each Once to get away from abby I say I coming to the shower , realizeits the men’s bAthroomz... a...
I dreamt someone split my beanbag open again down the seam i sewed. I think beefcake was there and he was saying so what? and i was just looking at the...
I dreamed I took a job as a security guard or something in the city hall of mosinee, where I knew they had a drawer full of money. They gave me a key to...