Social Closeness, Criminals

Date: 11/14/2020

By leusid

I was going all over the place, on foot, at one point I thought I knew where I was and could cut through some trees to a main road, but instead I ended up in this endless dusty bare rolling rock face. I went along it for a bit, then realized I was really in the middle of nowhere and not getting to a road, so I turned back. I got to the trees again and got worried about wild animals. I can't remember if this was before or after, but I was divvying up a bunch of capsules of molly, and I decided to dissolve some in water, and I put an X on the lid of the water jug to remember it had ecstacy in it lol. Then I found another jug with an X, so I tried to mix them. I was worried about drinking this later as I had no idea the quantity that was in there. I failed to mix them because I just spilled the water everywhere, all over myself. I tried to get some in my mouth, then remembered I shouldn't be doing MDMA right now because of my TMS lol. Later we were at this massive apartment building. We met up with some people we'd apparently met up with before and we all talked about how we remembered each other, except these couple older people who were there, so we were like "and new friends!" We were all sitting around in a circle on couches. I realized it was probably a bad idea because of covid. Some official looking dudes came over and requested for some folks to come help with all emergency. Those folks were given small cardboard boxes that they began filling up with water and carrying into a room. I went to check out what was going on, but didn't want to get in the way so I walked away again. Jacob's dad said "Jordan did you just walk right past?" I said I wanna help I just didn't wanna be in the way. They gave me a small cardboard box and I filled it with water and brought it inside and found a giant cardboard box on the floor, full of soapy water and dishes, that people were dumping more water in. There was also soapy water all over the floor. I guess the emergency was that their dishwashing box had spilled or leaked lol. Just fell back asleep for some more dreams. Was in a big apartment building common-seeming area again. This time it was like my entire extended family that were hanging out in close proximity. I don't remember thinking about covid this time. My cousin was talking about an awesome deal on some shoes that he loves. He was also talking about why they were great shoes. Then he 'joked' "hey, don't say they're paying me to sell these!" and I said "I'mma say it" and people apparently thought that was hilarious, another cousin even told me I always know just when to say exactly the right thing lol. Dream comedy is a trip. Then I was a woman in some cabin in as meadow or something, and someone was there to kill me. I drove a little ways to this building you had to pass through to continue, so I couldn't bring my car any further. On the other side of the building I was sprinting through this open field, then I veered off to the left toward a barbed wire fence. I glanced back and saw the killers coming out of the building, so without slowing down, I sprung/dove over the fence. On the other side was a very steep grassy slope downward, so I was basically in free fall. There were some houses down there though. I was coming up on this elaborate twisting web of wooden stairs. I landed right onto the staircase and caught myself on the railing and gently lowered myself to the surface. I thought damn if this were real life I would've just smashed into these stairs. I was right next to the house, but I didn't wanna risk knocking, so instead I hurried down to a lower flight of stairs and tried to hide in a spot that I thought/hoped was hidden from view by the stairs above me. Next I was being driven to a courthouse I guess? Some official looking dudes requested I take a detour with them, so I went through a side door and walked barefoot into a courtroom. I think I was here before.. I asked the court to remind me what was going on, some people were like omg really, but the judge was like now she just woke up from a coma and would like her memory refreshed! I don't remember what they said, but I started testifying on behalf of the defendant, defending the quality of her character by pointing out things like how flawlessly her nails were done, her dope fashion sense, and the fact that her dad, Joe Biden, loves her. Apparently that was case closed in her favor lol.