
Date: 8/27/2024

By Jvoy1218

Got back from my college campus today at around 2:00. I was exhausted so I fell asleep until 6:00 as soon as I got home. I had so many dreams, but the one I remember most was the last one. I was in some place that was recreating a town from what seemed to be the 1700’s. I was with my family but at this point in the dream I was by myself walking around (I just knew they were in the area). I remember seeing kids running around & adults all dressed in clothing from that time period. Just really enjoying the experience cause it felt like I had time traveled. It was fall time too so it had that Halloween vibe in the air. Next thing I remember is hearing a telepathic message enter my head. It was a loud/booming voice like someone talking over a speaker & I just instantly understood it was telepathic. It told everyone that, “In four hours nuclear Armageddon will break out around the world”. It felt like the ground had been ripped from beneath me while at the same time all my breath had been taken away all at once. The shift from enjoyment to knowing your death was so extreme. I started running to meet my family and try to escape somewhere. The first person I saw was my dad. He was standing at an outdoor fire place made of brick. I ran up to him and said we needed to find everyone else. But for some reason his main focus was bringing home a piece of brick from the fire place… I got pissed and grabbed a loose brick and told him to run. When I saw my sister, brother, and mom all together I felt some relief. I noticed they all seemed calmer to me than I felt on the inside so it gave me some comfort. At the same time though the weather was changing and becoming violent (fire tornadoes, strong winds, etc.) I began to truly understand that this really was the end of everything. While realizing this I’m running with my family to our car and I hear my mom say, “Oh my god you can feel the tremors”. I heard the fear in her voice and realized she was talking about nuclear explosions in the distance. Hearing the fear in her voice really finalized everything to me cause I knew they all knew it was the end too. Last thing I remember is looking around and seeing all the innocent kids, adults, and old people trying to escape. That’s what really hit me that all these people had nothing to do with it and were going to suffer regardless. I started hyperventilating and my mom tried comforting me and that’s when I woke up.