I don’t remember all the details, but the last part of this dream I definitely remember. I was talking to some person (don’t think ik them irl). We were...
Dreamt I was in a dark cave with two sets of train tracks going in opposite directions. At first it was kind of cool but then I realized I couldn’t hear...
Had this dream like 3 days ago. First off, I had a dream that P. diddy was at my house and tried giving me a drink. I said no. The next dream started wi...
Got back from my college campus today at around 2:00. I was exhausted so I fell asleep until 6:00 as soon as I got home. I had so many dreams, but the o...
I was swimming in this body of water at night with my mom (it was like an artificial lake exactly like that Jaws amusement park ride where the animatron...
I’ve been having dreams about my childhood dog that died 2 years ago. Usually these dreams are happy but the last one I had was kind of creepy. I was do...
I was at some beach during the day when this dream started. I was stressed out for some reason. I think this girl I’ve been talking to and my ex were at...
Dreamt that I was on one of those rides at amusement parks where you sit down with other people around a giant pole and get shot up and down really fast...
I don’t have any kids irl but in this dream I was in my room and holding a new born baby and I knew he was my son. The whole time I was holding him I ke...
I took a nap at 7 today and just woke up at 2:00 am. Which is weird cause I usually can never nap and was supposed to pick my brother up at a train stat...
I dreamt last night that I was walking in the woods. I could see houses in the distance but, they were each separated by like half an acre of land. I re...
I knew I was gonna have weird dreams last night before going to bed and I did. This dream was random but creepy. I was sitting down outside a beach hous...
Dreamt last night that I was at this girls house that used to throw parties all the time when we were in high school. I got way too hammered and then go...
Had one of those dreams last night where your walking through your house and find a hidden room that you never knew about before. It was really exciting...
I had this dream this morning. Idek how to feel about it. It started off with me in the backyard of some house that felt like my house in the dream but ...
I had this dream like 4 nights ago when I was on vacation w my friends in Maryland. I don’t know how it started but we were all in Japan and in this bui...
It was night time in my dream and windy outside. I had a golf club for some reason and whenever I would angle it a certain way the wind would catch it a...
I don’t remember specifics but I remember thinking as I was dreaming that this dream was so ideal and perfect. Basically the whole dream was me going fr...
I was in the high school that I graduated from in 2020. All I remember before the shooting started was that my graduating class and I were all in the gy...
This dream is really foggy in my memory but I was just looking at an octopus on Instagram & realized I dreamt about aliens last night. From what I remem...
I vaguely remember walking around my house with my sister, her boyfriend, and my brother. We kept seeing ghosts out of the corner of our eyes and were f...
This was my first dream in a long time and it was one of those super realistic dreams that you 100% think is reality. I was in my bed holding my ball py...
I had this dream like two nights ago I think. I have a pet ball python in real life and his terrarium is in my closest. So in my dream I got out of bed ...
Dreamt that I sat up in bed and looked out through my window at night. I remember it being very dark out (it was almost how u could imagine being blind ...
dreamt that I was at this girls apartment that ik irl. I think there was a party at the apartment and all I remember is coming up from behind her, wrapp...
This dream took place at sunset and it felt like it was spring time or summer. It started off with me standing at the bottom of this really tall tree (I...
Dreamt I was swimming with a bunch of dolphins. I remember thinking in the dream that it reminded me of when irl I swam w dolphins in Hawaii. At one poi...
I don’t remember all the details but I definitely remember the main details from these dreams. The first one was I was in Hawaii snorkeling with my fami...
I was up all night and fell asleep at 5 am this morning. I dreamt that I was checking the list of assignments I have for my finals and my professors add...
I was reading this book I bought off amazon awhile ago that’s all about the Egyptian pyramids and meditation and stuff like that last night before I wen...
A few nights ago I remember dreaming about this plant that’s in my room. I bought an elephant ear plant cause I thought it would be cool to watch it gro...
This dream was really weird but most of my dreams about my ex are idk why. I remember falling asleep and my dream started off with me opening my eyes. I...
I had this dream last night and the details are foggy. The main thing I remember is walking through my old high school (I graduated 2 years ago irl). Ev...
Dreamt I was on vacation with my family on some island. We went out to eat at some restaurant outside with an ocean view. As I went to eat my food I fel...
Dreamt that I was basically going around trying to catch pedophiles. I remember I had my friend Caroline go up to suspicious guys and talk to them and s...
I dreamt last night that I was in some yard w a bunch of trees. I was next to one tree the whole dream and somehow knew that there was an owl that lived...
I was having a party at my house I think. I remember walking from my kitchen into my family room and my friend Angie was following me. My shirt was off...
This dream started with me sitting in my old high schools auditorium during an assembly. I felt something in my left pocket and reached my hand in to se...
I had two weird dreams last night. The one was I was laying in bed where I was actually sleeping irl. My phone got like 20 texts so I looked and saw tha...
Dreamt I was at some ice cream shop with my younger siblings. I’m the youngest in my family irl but I knew these were my siblings in the dream. The main...
I’ve been fighting with basically everyone I care about irl recently and I think the stress from that came out in this dream. The dream is kind of inter...
First thing I remember is I was in some class room and it felt like I was starting high school all over again. I got the sense that I was the new kid fo...
The dream started off with me at a party. I think it was supposed to be this girl Amanda’s house where I went to a party irl in high school and the cops...
I remember walking in some random place I’ve never been before. There was a big open field that I was approaching and the ground was all dried up dirt a...
It’s been literally like 2 years since we broke up so idk why I still have dreams about her. Last night I dreamt I was at some resort with my family and...
I’ve been watching the Channel Zero seasons lately and last night I fell asleep while watching the third season. If you’ve never seen the show it’s like...
I dreamt last night that I was in some building with my family. I think it was a Staples and in the dream my ex was one of the workers at the store. It ...
I dreamt I was in some house it felt like my home in the dream but isn’t in real life. The main thing I remember is being in a room with my sister and m...
I remember dreaming that my friend, who I’m friends with in real life, was in my room with me. She was telling me that she could rip up the carpet on my...
I drove from Maine to Pennsylvania yesterday and when I got home around 8 pm I thought I’d fall asleep right away but stayed up till 12 and then I fell ...
Was just watching some instagram video about plants and it made me realize I had a cool dream about a tree last night. I remember finding this tree some...
Like two days ago I was drifting off into a nap. Next thing I know i’m at the top of these stairs in my friends house and I’m about to eat shit down all...
Had a dream like 2 nights ago that I was walking around my drive way and it was spring time. I don’t remember what I was doing in my drive way but I rem...
My friend recently got a tattoo in real life and I watched the process over face time. I guess I was thinking about it a lot cause I had a dream last ni...
I just woke up like 20 mins ago and just now realized I had this dream. Awhile ago I wrote about this dream I had where I raised this grizzly bear from ...
I’ve been reading a lot lately about this thing called the galactic federation/Ashtar command. It’s basically this idea that there are intelligent (far ...
I went to bed last night early and let myself feel gravity’s weight again as I fell asleep. Yet again I had dreams (I really think there’s something to ...
I think this happened Tuesday and Wednesday night this week. Ik I was tired Tuesday night cause I’m a freshman in college and I had my first math exam T...
I had a dream this morning that I was hu w this girl Ik. We were standing on my stair case and she was blowing me. It was so realistic I 100% thought it...
I was in my bathroom and getting ready to go somewhere when my mom said, “Don’t forget to clean the shit out of the sink”. I thought she meant like hair...
I dreamt that I was outside with people (maybe family/friends) and I was watching a solar eclipse. As I saw the moon completely cover the sun I became f...
I was obsessed with astral projection and lucid dreaming all of middle school and high school. Last night I decided to get back into the methods I used ...
I just remembered a reoccurring dream I had as a kid. I was probably like 6 or 7 when I would have this dream. What I remember is I was at this log cabi...
I took at nap at like 4pm today. Before I fell asleep I had this weird but good feeling flow throughout my body. Idek how to explain it but the color gr...
I had a dream like a morning or 2 ago. My gf and I broke up and it was toxic af. So the dream was about her which was weird cause I haven’t dreamt about...
Just dreamt like 4 mins ago that my sister and mom walked in my room to wake me up. My sister sat next to me in bed and I pretended to be asleep in the ...
I just took a 2 hour nap and had this dream. I dreamt that I was viewing an Ariana Grande music video but it was weird. I wasn’t watching it on my phone...
I don’t remember most of this dream which sucks because it was really interesting to me. What I do remember is last night I dreamt that I was walking up...
I dreamt that I was walking on a black top path way with friends at like 1 or 3 am. We were near these woods and we heard people coming our way from fur...
I dreamt I was swimming at the beach and people started gathering around this one spot. My first thought was a shark but realized they’d be running not ...
I had multiple dreams last night but one stood out. I was in some room by myself at night in some tribal place. There was a goat tied to the floor in th...
I dreamt that I was in my drive with my dogs Buster and Moose. There was an egg in the grass that looked like the type of egg people eat for breakfast I...
Dreamt that I was in a room I think. I forget what I was doing but I remember unintentionally glancing at the tv and seeing these woods (in CA I think) ...
I was with my girlfriend and I drove to the woods to hang out. For some reason I had to walk by myself to a certain spot. I found someone’s stash of psy...
I just dreamt the I was the oldest out of four siblings. In reality I’m the youngest out of four. My family wasn’t my real family either. I have one bro...
I had this dream like 3-4 nights ago. I remember I was in Hawaii again (my family went there this summer). I was outside I think maybe in the backyard o...
Dreamt that I was rubbing my gf pussy while grabbing and kissing her boob🤷♂️
I dreamt that I saw these three alien women. If you watch Rick and Morty and have seen the episode where the dad soul bonds with a blue alien than you k...
I dreamt that I was in a building (I think it was like a museum) I remember it had white columns on the outside of it like a government building. I left...
I dreamt that I was in my kitchen with my mom and brother. I got this indescribable but strong feeling so I looked out the window. There were maybe 5-8 ...
Dreamt that I was in another house with my sister. We were around this table in a dining room standing and I said, “wait am I in a dream?” She nodded an...
I’ve had this dream about 3 times in the last 3 nights. The guy from the movie split is chasing me up the stairs in my house. I lock myself in my bathro...
I don’t remember all of my dream but I remember bits and pieces. One thing I vividly remember is sitting at my bedroom window with a cross bow aimed for...
I just remembered this dream I had when I was little. I think I was like 5 or 6 when I had this dream. All I remember is I was wearing a white T-shirt a...
I had a dream that my family adopted a baby grizzly bear. I loved this bear so much I never left him alone. The dream was over a span of like 3 days but...
I had multiple random dreams last night but one stood out. I was with my family at this restaurant for dinner. This guy came up to me. He said something...
I dreamt that I went to school. I began the day in the nurses office. I was sitting there but ended up falling asleep. The nurse woke me up half way thr...
I just realized that last night I dreamt I was driving in my car. I played a song that I was glad I remembered to play because I hadn’t listened to it t...
I dreamt that I was in my drive way with my sister and mom. Except they were people I’ve never met before. My “mom” was explaining to us that people are...
Two or three nights ago I had this dream. What I remember is I was with my brother outside and felt the need to sit next to this tree. There were multip...
I dreamt that I went to this store to get a pet for my brother I think? I remember going to the store and seeing this snake. It was a baby python. I per...
I dreamt that I was in a friends car. They were trying to show me and someone else a song they found. They had their phone hooked up to Bluetooth but I ...
Just dreamt that I was watching South Park and Ben Affleck had multiple nipples like a dog and was rubbing them while looking at me.
I realized this morning that I’ve been having a reoccurring dream. I think it might start differently every time but it always ends the same. Last night...
I was looking out a window and watching it rain. Water has always been interesting to look at for me but in this dream I was totally captivated. I felt ...
Last night I dreamt that this girl I used to like in 8th grade was trying to hu with me. I’ve been in a fight with my girlfriend for the past 3 days and...
I dreamt that I was in a house with what seemed like a cult but I was apart of it. (I’m gonna speed up the dream cause a lot happened) next big thing wa...
I dreamt that I was on a cruise with a good amount of my friends and people I know at school. I remember I was walking in a hall by myself and suddenly ...
I dreamt that I was laying in my car thinking about my gf cause we’ve been fighting recently. I started driving and stopped at a stop sign and a red lig...
I dreamt that I had a new ouija board. I remembered that I got it as I was talking to someone but I forget how I got it. I opened the box it was in and ...