Date: 2/24/2021
By lucysdreams
I was staying at Byron bay with a bunch of my friends for a holiday. Except we weren’t staying in town but a little further out, we were staying on a carnival to work out and help there so we could get free accomodation. I was shopping with everyone for groceries in town one day and someone made a comment about Milele being pregnant. I was confused so I just laughed and asked what they were talking about. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy and asked if I didn’t remember it being revealed that she was pregnant. I realised there was a big reveal that I wasn’t there for at some point because nobody had thought to invite me. I congratulated Milele but felt a little sorry for myself. Then evie told me it was her fault because she forgot to invite me or tell me. I was a bit hurt that nobody could remember me and I wasn’t even an afterthought. I sulked over and shopped for some stuff for uni. I caught the bus home with Nicolette and the road was incredibly dangerous and bumpy. When we got out, the bus driver said it was $50. I was confused because we usually never get charged and it was such a short ride that $50 seemed crazy. But I paid her anyway and she never asked Nicolette for any money. I told Nicolette what happened and she insisted I get my money back. So I waved down the bus and asked her. She said fine and she would only charge me $30. I said I would settle for $20 and we finally found an agreement. I realised I was a bit of a pushover and that’s why she had asked me and not Nicolette. I went to work and people kept making mistakes I had to fix. After work I was swinging on the swings with a bunch of people. The people around me got invited to some party and nobody asked me. I felt a little defeated and then Eleanor came over and asked if she could ask me a question. She asked me what just happened and why I didn’t get invited. I explained I probably wouldn’t want to go anyway but it’s nice to be thought of. People had been forgetting me easily and I’d just been letting them walk over me.