I dreamt that I was with the BTL educational group on tour but we had become fugitives and were on the run. We had fake IDs and got through a police che...
I dreamt that there was something seriously off in the world. Like all this static energy had been building up to a silent breaking point but nobody els...
I dreamt that a number of people were gathered to congregate and discuss something over a number of days. We stayed in rooms nearby to eachother and sha...
I had a dream I was walking near my house and saw gran walking away. I called out to her and she fell onto the grassy sidewalk. I ran up to her and at f...
I dreamt that I was in the forest at a 7/11 with a group of friends being attacked by evil forces. Classic stuff. We had won the first battle by placing...
I dreamt that I was taking a lilo off some rapids nearby. We didn’t realise how rough they were are you get spun around held underwater for about a minu...
I dreamt that I brought a joint to a party for some of us to share. The police arrived with a sniffer dog for some reason and he sniffed me out a bit be...
I dreamt that Harry, Harriet, Annie and I were taking a road trip but we didn’t have a car. We heard that in China one of the main forms of transportati...
I dreamt that I was with a group of friends and we saw a massive commercial plane coming too close, leaving a trail of glowing fire. It sped down over u...
I dreamt that I heard about a potential hostage situation happening in a house we knew, so my friends and I went to go check it out for some reason. We ...
I dreamt that I went down the coast to Jervis Bay for a holiday in a big old bus. We rented a new place out but arrived a little bit earlier than the ow...
I dreamt that I was I flew to Hawaii with no plan of where to stay. The first thing I did was go to an event. There, I met a man who I had met once befo...
I was back in Nice with a couple of my friends except it was also sort of Hawaii. We were walking along the BV and saw something bubbling in the water/m...
I dreamt that the climate catastrophe had gone too far and there was a hole in the ozone layer that caused a ring of fire and heat to engulf the earth. ...
I dreamt that I had a long lost boyfriend of my grandmas reach out to me or we were potentially related or something. He was an old man and I brought my...
I dreamt I was on holidays somewhere and I went to shower but forgot my shampoo and conditioner. I asked Charlotte if she could grab it from my room so ...
I was dreaming two different dreams at the exact same time without knowing. The first dream was about a play running on Islam and I was interviewing the...
I dreamt I signed up for a babysitting gig for $40 an hour. When I say signed up I mean the parents kidnapped me. I was looking after a 7 month old in N...
I dreamt that I was in Iceland travelling. I visited an old national park full of millions of years of fossils. There were crystallised statues and some...
I dreamt that the world was ending. The first time around I was slightly hysterical and trying to tell everyone we were about to die but that got me now...
I dreamt that it was night time and I decided to roll up a FAT joint. I had it all to myself and I was seriously stoned. Decided it would be funny to wa...
I got a text from my mum telling me to meet her at a beach tomorrow and she’d drop acid with me and some friends. I was confused but down, so we went to...
I dreamt I was bushwalking with some friends. I saw a big staircase hidden in the bush leading down to a beach. I convinced everyone to try get down to ...
I dreamt that everything was being balanced. It’s difficult to explain but nothing was out of place and everything had its equal on this day in my dream...
I was biking with a bunch of guys and we realised a guy was chasing us. We were going up a hill so he got to us faster and kicked my bike. I fell off an...
I dreamt that I took shrooms and was waiting for them to kick in. I went upstairs in this house I was in with a bunch of friends and everyone started sm...
I was staying at Byron bay with a bunch of my friends for a holiday. Except we weren’t staying in town but a little further out, we were staying on a ca...
I dreamt that I knew the world would end in a day. I wasn’t really sure what to do with myself so I just kind of made myself some good food for lunch an...
I was walking down through the neighbourhood towards the river. I saw a backyard with glowing leaves in the trees and wondered how to get them. Behind m...
I had a dream that I was an Asian guy named Codin and I was living in America. My girlfriends dad was some type of physics surgeon and I was getting ful...
So I fell in a bush with about a million spiders first of all and that just fucking ruined my day like they were everywhere and I was having to pick the...
I dreamt this immediately after my last dream. I was in my room with Thea and Charli D’amélio. Thea was poking fun at me but I told her I couldn’t be ma...
So I dreamt that it was Eleanor Thea and me at a party and we went outside to look at the sunset. The sunset was like a weird pinky red but very very re...
I dreamt it was Halloween and I wasn’t sure whether to go as a fairy or as Maddy from euphoria. I went as maddy to a museum and had some adventures.
I dreamt that I was working 12-9 and I got a 40 minute break. I decided to go home and nap on my break because I was so tired. I was supposed to be back...
I dreamt that Maya was having a baby. I was flicking through a book of super old photographs and kept seeing my name everywhere. Then I visited Maya and...
I dreamt that I went to my international studies class and Olga and Matt were in my class. Matt and I were on pretty chill terms and sat next to eachoth...
I dreamt that I went to sleep in my bed but something felt off. I stood up and realised that next to my bed the wall was opened, as the painting separat...
I dreamt that I was hanging out at some guy called Aiden’s house. I met his family and they were really nice and then we went back to his room. I finall...
I dreamt that Eleanor max and I were running from the police because we accidentally hit a woman with our sign and she claimed it was assault. We crosse...
I dreamt that Eleanor Xander and I were near this big mountain on holidays. Part of it was like minecraft and there were bees and then there was lava el...
I dreamt that I was house sitting for some young black man near the beach. I set an alarm to go to sleep and realised somebody had broken into the house...
I dreamt that Hoyts asked for Jake and I back and so we went to walk in and quit. For some reason we accepted before we quit and then realised we didn’t...
I dreamt that I was on a sand cliff and it fell, throwing some of us into the ocean. We laughed because it was no big deal, but suddenly the waves got b...
I dreamt that I was taking photos of my clothes for depop. I have a pinstripe corset and a red corset.
I dreamt that Eleanor and Josh and I had plans in the city and Eleanor was driving. We kept getting times mixed up though and getting lost.
I dreamt that the world was like minecraft but the more we built the more people destroyed our older builds. Grimes and I had a fun time building and th...
I went to a vintage thrift shop opening by myself and there was nobody there. I looked around and there was some great stuff. I thought I saw out of the...
I was walking home after arguing with Lyndsey about Kiarna’s clothes and I came to the crossing near the bottle shop. I pressed the button and was waiti...
I dreamt that I was visiting my close family friend/grandma type figure. We bushwalked down to her house and came inside to buy a corset from her corset...
TW RAPE I dreamt that I was practicing French with mum when dad asked if I wanted any coffee. I said I didn’t like coffee and then he made a comment ab...
I dreamt that Olga, Lyndsey, Yasmina and I rocked up to some party in a modern mansion. We found pills in Yasmina’s wallet and took them. We headed over...
I dreamt that I drunkenly texted Geri some gibberish. I woke up the next morning and saw it so I apologised to her and said I was just drunk. She didn’t...
I dreamt that I was talking to Mikayla about a dream I had a couple months ago. Then I dreamt that I was a part of Twilight except everybody turned into...
I dreamt that we were going back to uni and Emma came home. We went to French class together and mucked around and were drawing until the tutor came ove...
I dreamt that I woke up in my room to people talking in the house. I walked out in my pyjamas to find a bunch of people in my parents room. The sun was ...
I dreamt that I was back at school and we were all being forced to take maths tests. I was being forced to redo it for my HSC and I was freaking out bec...
I dreamt that I said I was craving Lebanese bread and Mikayla said she had some at home. We all went to Mikayla’s house and ate some bread and her famil...
I dreamt that we got busted with MDMA. I didn’t have any on me and neither did Yasmina but we realised the police had rights to search our phones to fin...
I dreamt that I was in Broadway with Josh and Maya. Maya was making herself a boost juice because there were no employees there. She accidentally split...
I dreamt that I was waiting for the bus and a man and his young daughter came and sat on either side of me. They started talking about ice cream and I t...
I was on a train with school and had to get off and go the other way. Eleanor and I tried to find our way around the train station but it was so far fro...
I dreamt that I was on the way to the bar with Eleanor, Josh, Maya, Max and we stopped at SWOP but it was a different inside and everything. I found som...
Yasmina and I were on a rooftop bar and after the night we took M. We were just having a couple drinks and talking about how Ruby gave us the idea to pr...
I dreamt that I was by the harbour and there were a bunch of boats going by. Next to us there was an Apple store so I went in with questions. While I wa...
I was accompanying a family to a house for some reason. We had to pass through the English countryside. There were no houses but open field and sort of ...
I dreamt that I was in my room playing minecraft. I was some sort of creature banished to hell in the ocean but I slowly got help from other creatures t...
I dreamt that I was at a coastal guard point in the middle of the ocean below South Africa. We were studying rogue waves and seeing how far they can pus...
I dreamt that there was a party and Han was flirting with me. I was drunk but I told him I was a virgin and we had sex. It didn’t hurt surprisingly and ...
I dreamt that my dad woke me up from my nap to ask what time he should start cooking dinner. I asked him what was for dinner and he said deep dish pizza...
I dreamt that everybody forgot my birthday. I invited Bella to a cafe for some reason because she was the only one who remembered and it was awkward. We...
I dreamt that I was in class and we were at the beach. There was a new girl in class and we clicked immediately and started crushing on eachother. The w...
I dreamt that I met a boy who lived on my street and happened to be in my uni class. He came over to my house to work on a project before class. We flir...
I was hidden on a plane with one other person. My friend got caught by staff (while the plane had already taken off, which by the way was scary and incr...
I dreamt that I was high and I was getting sushi. They had a soy sauce station down the road in the park for some reason so I was walking down there to ...
I dreamt that I was on a year abroad and I was taking shots with my camera of things. I was practicing in a room with cabinets and taking a photo of the...
I dreamt that I went into blooms chemist and when I got to the counter I forgot what I was there for. I looked to the right and Rosie was sitting on the...
I dreamt that I went back to school. I went to French class with Olga and a bunch of other people were there too. For some reason it was a cooking class...
I dreamt that we wanted to see a parallel universe. We went to a lake that was partially frozen and went under. There was somebody watching over us but ...
A cat gave birth to her kittens. For some reason we had to seperate the kittens from the mum because they weren’t established breeders. The entire house...
I dreamt that I was walking around the streets of Paris at night. There were fights breaking out and people were in abandoned buildings. Lyndsey met a g...
After applying for jobs, I backed out of one from tiger lily because I didn’t want to travel all the way to parramatta. We were getting ready to go out ...
I dreamt about ancient Egyptians pharaohs and gods. Felt like old magic.
I dreamt that I was in Rome with my family and Chiara’s family. Severio was there and he decided to stay in the hotel while the rest of us explored. We ...
I dreamt that Mikayla, Lyndsey and I went to the smoke spot. We had a tab each and we were planning to have a nice day painting the view. When we got th...
I dreamt that I was at some sort of school camp in primary school, except I was older now. It’s like I was revisiting a memory I never had. We wanted to...
I dreamt that I went to work and needed a shower. I jumped in the showers and as I got out somebody had taken my clothes. They had left behind my hello ...
I dreamt that Olga and I for some reason were trying to flirt with Phil by hacking into his google docs. I named some file something sexual and inapprop...
I dreamt that me, Lyndsey and Indi dropped some acid. I was on the come up watching the patterns on the floor move, and for some reason Damon was there.
I dreamt that I was getting ready for bed. I opened my mirror and behind me stood a girl. I freaked and whipped my head around only to see nobody there....
I dreamt that the sensor lights turned on in my backyard and I waited to see if there was somebody there. A dog comes out and it’s limping and trying to...
I dreamt that I was walking down a road with Kim kardashian and Kendall Jenner, my cousin and two men. We were discussing the situations in which you co...
I dreamt that I was prepping for a dance at school. I remember being nervous since I had never danced before. I went on stage and everything was fine, t...
I dreamt that I was on a boat trying to get from one island to another. The waves were huge and strong however, and our boat was long. Each time a wave ...
I dreamt that I visited Emma and Eleanor on their China trip. I was amazed by how much money they were taxed. We traded some food for some mediocre dump...
I dreamt that I was with a bunch of my friends and people I knew in a hall. We had gotten really drunk to the point where we were all sharing the same i...
A family was going to the movies but the movies were sort of a ride/roller coaster. They collected their tickets, a dad, two kids and a grandma and walk...
I dreamt that I was in Italy with my friends when the corona virus hit. Me and a friend realised we had to get out, but Australia wouldn’t take us back ...
I dreamt that I had moved to Seoul without knowing anybody. My apartment was minimalistic and sort of grey. I got a message from Ruby saying she was in ...