trying to escape from raiders (and then becoming a raider)

Date: 7/14/2019

By squidward

this dream was movie quality tbh it was night time and i was in this rich neighborhood. almost like the typical new york rich neighborhood, but with a bit more space. i do remember that there were a lot of penthouses. everyone was having a huge party. i was outside and everything was going good. a few minutes passed and i was getting ready to go home. right as i was about to get my stuff together, people started screaming and running around. they were saying raids were happening. i ran inside this mansion and i somehow made a backup of it. i knew that the raids involved destroying someone’s house and then killing everyone inside and i figured if i always had a house ready to hide in, it would be harder for them to get to me. i went on the balcony of the mansion and all of the lights in the city were off and all i could hear were screams. i found the girl who owned the house and she went on the balcony and fell to her knees and put her head in her hands. we both knew we would get raided and probably would be killed soon. i looked in the distance and i saw the raiders coming closer. they had iron hoes to destroy the house with. they eventually got to the house and started to ruin the house and we were terrified. i knew it was risky because there could be raiders hiding in the woods, but i decided to sneak out and run for my life. i ended up getting teleported into another mansion. it turned into day and i was with about 7 other people. they whispered to me that raids were still going on. they told me that we needed to act like we were related because if anyone knew we didn’t know each other prior to them taking me in, they would get an even worse punishment than death. i stayed with them for a few days. all day, all we would do would be go to the back of the house in front of the porch and go on our knees and put our heads in our hands. we had to be as quiet as possible so the raiders would think no one was home and might leave the house alone. we weren’t even allowed to eat everyday, only every other day. each day, i would hear the raiders getting closer and closer. i was so afraid and wanted to escape. that night, i waited for everyone to fall asleep and i left through the porch door. i ran through the woods for so long that by the time i stopped running, it was day. i went to sit on this rock and i realized i was in someone’s backyard. i saw a little girl through the houses porch slider door. she opened the door and tip toed over to me. she asked me what i was doing there and i told her about how i was trying to escape the raids. i asked her how the raids were in her area and she said they were extremely bad and that the raiders were very close. i looked over her shoulder and saw raiders breaking into her neighbor’s house. i decided i needed to keep moving and i wished her good luck. as i went to turn around, she grabbed my wrist and she asked me to leave a clue for her. she knew that she was probably next to be raided and she wanted to know an escape route. she had a lake in her backyard and she wanted to know if she should go through the lake in her backyard or if she should go around it. i had a green slip of paper and told her that i would leave the paper on the right trail and she can see if it comes right out of the water or if it goes around the water. i started to leave and alex appeared out of thin air. i didn’t have to tell him about how i was escaping because he already knew. he took my hand and pulled me towards the lake. he went in the water first and started slowly swimming to the other side. he swam back towards me quickly and i pulled him out. there was a killer whale in the water. we waited for the whale to go to the other side of the lake and then he took my hand and we swam as fast as we could. it felt like we were so slow, but we eventually got to the other side. i grabbed the green paper and wrote r14 on it in black sharpie. r14 was the little girls code name. i left it at the lake so she would know that we took the lake route. alex and i started to walk through the woods again. it seemed like it was around noon when we couldn’t go on anymore. our bodies were so exhausted from walking all day without eating. we found this mini pond and fell asleep next to it. alex woke up first and he heard two male voices in the distance. he shook my arm and i woke up and i heard them too. we both knew they were raiders. we couldn’t move because that would give us away immediately, so we just played dead instead. as they got closer, we knew that they were going to spot us no matter what because they were right on our path. i had papers over my face because i didn’t want them to see that i was alive. we could see them and they were wearing camo head to toe. alex grabbed my hand right after the raiders spotted us. we both knew they were going to shoot us even if we were already dead. the raiders came running up to us laughing. alex got shot first and then me. i felt pain for a second and then i felt nothing. i could see nothing but black and i heard the the raiders laughing and calling us stupid. i started to see everything, but it was blurry and not from the perspective of my body. i knew that i was dead and i was just existing as my soul. they saw the paper that i left for the little girl and ran across the lake to get to her. i flew up and saw her house and tried to send her love and i hoped that she wouldn’t feel pain. i didn’t follow them because i didn’t want to see what would happen. i did see the two men who killed me and alex go into her house. there was a third raider in her backyard guarding the lake. he was wearing a blue sweatshirt and had his gun ready. i went to my fake family who took me in who i escaped from and i silently wished them luck even though they couldn’t see me because i was dead. i went back to alex and i’s bodies and i cried over them. i found a patch of dry land in the pond and i put our bodies there. i got flowers and put them on alex and kissed his forehead and then i walked away. i got teleported to outside this office and i realized i was alive again. i stepped into the office and i knew i didn’t look like a raider at all. i knew i was in a raider village and if anyone knew i didn’t belong, i would be killed on the spot. i walked up to this blonde woman and hoped she wouldn’t notice my torn up clothes or the giant pressed in scratch i had on my forehead from running from the raiders. i asked her if i could apply for a job. i thought that it would be the safest option, but i knew i wouldn’t be able to kill someone even if i tried and that could give it away that i wasn’t actually a raider. i wanted to help the people escape the raiders through my job as well. she let me apply and asked for a document called d.o.b. i didn’t have it because nobody except for raiders had documents. i told her it was under a name. i said it was washington something. she looked and found one document and told me to come back later once the document would load up. in the meantime, she gave me a mini tour of the town. the town was what could stereotypically come to mind when you think of an old village. the roads were all made of dirt and the houses were pretty small in size and height. the houses didn’t have the same square shape houses have today, but instead, they were almost dome shaped. they were all made out of dull colors. most of them were a dull brown, but some of them were a dull purple and dull blue. i reached a spiky fence and i knew it was the border of the village. at the border, there was a pretty long house with about 5 doors. all of the doors were blocked off with dirt except for the one farthest to the right. that one had a two or three foot hole in the doorway. i asked her why so much dirt was dug up and she told me that the house was the biggest house in the village and it was an honor to live there. she didn’t really answer my question and i didn’t want to ask again. i got teleported to the entrance of the office and i looked into the office. some guy who looked like shy guy from mario was there. he was called into the office because his name was washington and they were going over the d.o.b document. i could tell just by his voice that he was confused on why they were going over the document. he completed it without asking questions and i slept outside the office hoping no one saw me. if anyone saw me, they would know i wasn’t a raider because all raiders had homes in the village. i got teleported into the office once i woke up and the blonde lady was telling me that i got the job. i had to lie in order to get the job. i told her that i had magical powers where i could predict the weather. so, along with being a raider, my job was to tell the weather to other raiders so they could be prepared for it. she told me i needed to have yellow on my middle finger at all times. the yellow represented how devoted i am to being a raider and it wasn’t a physical thing. the yellow would only appear if you truly believed in your heart that you enjoyed being a raider. i ended up testing it and realized that i could make the yellow appear if i thought about the color hard enough. she took me out in the woods to put me through a trial before she let me be free to do the job. we walked for a bit before she heard someone who wasn’t a raider. she told me to shoot them. i pretended like i couldn’t hear her because i was busy predicting the weather, but then she noticed the yellow disappeared from my middle finger. she shot me as soon as she saw the yellow was missing. the bullet missed me, but i acted like she actually shot me so i could get out alive. i fell to the ground and curled up and tried to make my breathing unnoticeable. she ran to the other person who was in the woods and shot them. she came running back to me and shot me in the head. she didn’t see where she shot, but she barely shot me. it only skimmed my head and i was still alive. i got teleported back in time and i was back in the office. i had just gotten the job. this time, she told me she was taking me on a work trip. there were three other people on the trip. two girls and a boy. the two girls had dark brown hair and wore black clothing. i cant remember much about the boy, but he was asian. the boy was the boss of all of the raiders. we got on this plane and the boss started to play minecraft vr on the big screen. they all bickered a little bit and i stayed to myself. the plane landed and we got teleported into a large airbnb. i went to go to the bathroom and one of the girls followed me into the bathroom. there was a puddle on the ground and i knew someone peed on the floor and i was disgusted. the girl told me she made a song and i needed to tell her who wrote it or i would be killed. i went to boss and told him i didn’t know who wrote the song and he looked at the girl who was threatening me like she was crazy for expecting me to know. my dream started to fade at this point. i got an ipad and started watching callmecarsons livestream. he was in a raid and he was running, but he was so calm about it. the dream ended by me having grey skin. it was so hard and no one could make it normal, not even thanos. and yes, he did try. i eventually realized i was the only person who could fix it and then i woke up