Becoming a diver

Date: 7/14/2019

By lucysdreams

So I dreamt that I was in Hawaii. There was expeditions going on to explore and investigate these weird currents that would travel towards the sea. I volunteered and told mum I wanted to become a diver for life. I got taught how to dive and we headed out to a current. As soon as I got in I accidentally stepped on a sea snake, and suddenly there was this narration in my head. I moved away and the current was so strong you had no choice but to continue with it, this was a problem, as there was an active volcano nearby and lava leaks into the current. We took a break on a small island for the night. I found some eggs and I decided to keep them. In the morning they hatched some baby rats??? By the time it was time to leave, they were kittens. I took one of the kittens with me and the rest got evenly distributed to the group, except for one who went to a nearby farm to live there with the owners. Mine was a tabby except it had a blue chest with blue eyes. At some point we ended up in Canada. We broke through a frozen lake and swum underneath.