Breaking into my old middle school with a symbiote (long)

Date: 11/10/2018

By macyeet

So the dream starts with me writing a venom fan fiction about this random chick that gets venom out of nowhere. Although it might be a different symbiote. I can’t remember. Then I’m transported into the book I’m writing and I’m in this big city (maybe San Francisco?) at night. And somehow I have my own symbiote. Like a third one. Turns out in the book’s world there are a bunch of symbiotes that have their own underground city and government with Eddie ruling it all. Then this old guy who looked like some military general told me to track down Eddie and talk to him. When I followed his instructions it felt like the Spider-Man video game swinging around with my symbiote. I finally caught up to Eddie on top of a building and he confessed that it was exhausting leading a whole city full of symbiotes. I agree to go underground and be his third in command. His second in command was my fan fiction person. So I’m taking a shower in my new underground apartment. For some reason it looks identical to my real bathroom. Suddenly the army dude comes in and peeks through the shower curtain. For some reason I’m unphased. He puts the curtain back and goes to the other side of the shower while asking “have you decided on the color of your symbiote yet?” Apparently that was something I had to do but I put it off. I’m trying to decide real quick. I say nothing. General guy pulls back the other side of the curtain and looks at me. He writes something down on a clipboard, says “(someone) will have to hear about this”, and prepares to leave when I say “wait I’m thinking.” He stops. A color wheel appears in front of me and I look at all the colors. I don’t want it to be black because that’s Venom’s thing. Not gray, that’s Riot. Not yellow or blue since the two unnamed symbiotes that are at the life foundation are those colors. I was gonna pick rose gold before deciding that looked weird. Almost like human flesh. I wanted to do an iridescent blue-purple look but decided it looked too much like the blue symbiote. I think of green but realize green is dumb. So eventually I choose neon teal, which I know will be weird but this old guy is putting too much pressure on me so I can’t put any thought into it. Even now that I’m awake I can’t decide what color would be best. General dude seems satisfied and leaves. This next part might be another dream but I can’t tell. I think I woke up and decided to go back to sleep instead of writing the previous dream down. I didn’t end up forgetting it. So I’m breaking into this group of buildings with this person named Olivia that I knew from church years ago, before I moved. She is only a couple years younger than me but in the dream she looks like how I knew her. So she was like eight or nine. I think we’re working with the general dude and she has a symbiote of her own. We come in from the back (😏). No one seems to be there but I’m still on edge. Olivia isn’t. We look around all one building. Nothing interesting is there. We split up to look around the other buildings. There are like four or five. We can’t or don’t get inside the biggest building. In the building I’m looking in, it has three walls and the fourth one is a giant door. Maybe it’s a giant garage. In the middle of the room there’s a vat of my homemade lip scrub, which is just equal parts sugar and honey. I scoop a bunch of it up and hold it to my chest. I plan on throwing it at Olivia like a snowball. I don’t know why. I go outside and find her near the entrance of my building. I decide not to throw it at her, but instead offer her some to put on her lips. I manage to convince her and she puts her finger in the mixture. I’m watchful because I don’t want her taking too much as that gets annoying to handle when you’re putting it on your lips. She’s about to touch it when we hear something. I can’t remember what. But it scares me and Olivia is kinda startled for a little bit. We look around and decide it’s nothing, so we start exploring the other buildings. I’m still scared though, and go back to find Olivia so we can get out of here. I find her swinging on a creepy old swing set that was like super small and out of place. I ask her if we can leave and she says yes. So we take off running. When we pass the side of the building, I see the name of my old middle school in white letters on the brick wall. I’m surprised. Why would we go here? It was Olivia’s idea. It’s super suspenseful running away from nonexistent guards. It becomes broad daylight, or maybe it already was. We’re in a field because there was a field beside my old middle school in real life. Somewhere between now and when Olivia sees the lip scrub, I abandon it. Somehow I’m running really slowly and I’m super out of breath. Olivia is galloping and she’s going faster than me. I didn’t appreciate this in the dream but in real life, she’s a horse girl. So my subconscious was making fun of her. We start doing this weird crawling thing. We’re running like animals. About a third of the way across the field, this group of guys starts talking from the sidelines. They throw a football at Olivia and she catches it and throws it back to them. They do some fake sports commentary and throw it to her again. She throws it back. This happens a few more times. As we’re still running away. Then they start doing tricks with the ball. Olivia plays along. They call the trick a “French”. Don’t know what that means. They throw the ball to me and it hits the ground in front of me. It bounces and I catch it. I throw it back badly, too focused on getting to the end of the field to play with a football. Clearly my symbiote isn’t helping. The guys tease me about the bad throw. They say “Olivia did five passes and five Frenches and this girl can’t even do one pass.” I ignore them but I feel bad. I focus on gaining on Olivia who is almost at the end of the field. I’m super tired but I focus on how competitive I feel. I slowly close the distance between us. She is almost about to get to the street when I wake up. I’m just now realizing that we went the opposite direction from where the car was. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. Tap the bell for notifications!