Dating at College

Date: 8/23/2018

By belle7244

My mom and I were driving me up to college for move in day. She asked me if I was nervous, to which I said “no, I’m rooming with my boyfriend.” She hadn’t known this before but seemed ok with it. What I didn’t tell her was that it was our first time meeting each other. We get there and unpack my stuff, which seemed like only things to make my bed. My mom met my bf and then left. We laid next to each other and talked for awhile and then went to orientation. After we sat close to each other for awhile, he disappeared and I was with some friends. They asked “hey, where’s that boyfriend of yours?” I said “oh, I don’t have a boyfriend. I have a girlfriend.” One of my friends in real life/girlfriend in the dream ran down and sat close to me. My one friend asked “I didn’t know you were into dating girls too” and I said “that’s what I’m trying to figure out.” We seemed happy together. Then, the scenery changed and so did my gf’s looks. She now looked like someone I follow on Instagram. We weren’t together much, so I found out she was dating another girl through a video she posted on YouTube talking about her polyamorous relationship. I had no idea she was with this other girl—who was also one of my friends—and my friends kept asking me questions. I kept telling them “I didn’t know that this was a thing. She didn’t tell me, and I’m not comfortable being in a poly relationship personally.” She came up to me and we talked. I told her I was uncomfortable but I didn’t dump her bc I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I was really mad at myself about that.