I went on a Mexican vacation with my family. We had a nice resort and could easily walk to the beach. When we were at the beach, we didn’t swim, we just...
A lil backstory: Before me, my boyfriend was dating this girl that made him absolutely miserable. I had a fear that if I didn’t have sex with my boyfrie...
My school’s harlequin club did You Can’t Take it With you a year ago at a middle school due to renovations at our school. In my dream, we were invited t...
For some reason, I got a brain x-ray in English class by a traveling surgical group that came in. They noticed something on the x-ray and said “it’s pro...
It was the first day of school, and there were these 2 new edgy guys in my classes. They were bigger in my last class of the day, French, and they sat a...
My mom and I were driving me up to college for move in day. She asked me if I was nervous, to which I said “no, I’m rooming with my boyfriend.” She hadn...
A card came up that a person in an old-timey voice “A Hotel Transylvania Story”. This dream begins in black and white, as if it were an old movie. It be...
We went to this island near Italy, which I think was called Gamorra or something, and it was a pretty small island. We got to our hotel and put our stuf...
In this dream, it was the middle of the night. I was on my phone since I couldn’t sleep. I then got up after awhile and decided to leave. I left my phon...
I was a janitor in a public bathroom and the cast of always sunny came in and asked to shoot an episode in there. I said yes and then they asked me to b...
I was sitting on my top bunk and I look over and see a huge hairy spider on my bookshelf. I yell and run downstairs and outside. Suddenly I’m walking wi...
It began with my family moving to Arkansas but it was where Arizona was for some reason. I started to think about all of the vacations I could go on now...
It started with me opening a shoebox in my closet and finding out I was having a kid after looking at an ultrasound picture that was in there. Suddenly ...
After my mom had picked me up we drove a short distance to the house we were planning on moving into. It looked pretty regular on the outside and bottom...
I was in this film class and no one liked me. My cousin, who’s like 29, was in it with me and we were each other’s only friends. Our teacher assigned us...
There were a few parts of this dream. The first, we all piled into a series of a lot of buses, because for some reason our school suddenly had a lot of ...
The dream started with my school going outside (we were in my childhood backyard) and my friend and I hearing what we think are gunshots from afar. They...
First, I was at some beach with my friend and were about to cross the bridge into a city. All of the sudden a cute boy stops us and we initially think “...
I dreamt that our classes went to a theater to see The Sound of Music. I sat next to a friend, forget who. We went back and our teachers said “oh we’re ...
It starts with me and my chem partner house hunting and choosing a house. I’m not sure what made is choose to buy a house, we only know each other from ...
I was sitting on this huge marble throne in a marble room. My guards would bring people in and I’d fight them. When I won, I got money. Eventually, a gu...
My best friend Erin and I had to volunteer to sell something at a baseball game at my school. Suddenly we got into a huuuge argument over something and ...
1. The stage crew got together again and made a basketball team. It might’ve been the whole crew but I only remember my one friend being there. We met ...
I was a part of an Amish family with 5 girls and 3 boys. We were in the car on the way home and the oldest daughter confessed to sleeping with her boyfr...
It began with my mom and dad driving me to a movie theater in the woods. It was painted red and looked like a barn. Inside it had wooden floors and benc...
It was nighttime and my mom told me to get ready to go to London tomorrow. She left and suddenly it was the morning. I went downstairs to the living roo...
1. My whole family drove down to Florida and we were staying with my mom’s cousin. We got there and I saw she had two small dogs. I pet them and started...
The last bell rang and everyone scrambled to leave. My French teacher reminded us that tonight was back to school night and to make sure our parents wer...
There was a party at trump’s house and my family took my best friend Erin. The house was in the middle of a town and wasn’t too huge. The first floor ex...
My mom was driving me down this same road, over and over for some reason, but each time it got worse and she kept assuring me we were fine. I didn’t bel...