“Like a Shit on a Stick, Waiting to Drown.” 💩

Date: 6/25/2020

By amandalyle

It was crazy hot weather last night (for the uk) which seemed to affect my ability to remember dreams... or produce good ones, for that matter! They were quite literally... shit! ******* I was part of this strange cult who were into black magic and the like. We were all going to die (or so our cult leader led us to believe) if we didn’t come up with a spell, which involved doing a long list of random things. The most random, was a shit on a stick. We settled for dog poo... (less disgusting than using a human turd!) ... which we found on the pavement. We added all the ingredients to a big heap on the ground which we then set fire to and chanted a spell. It worked... we all lived. Next scene; I was now the proud owner of the cutest sausage dog. He had curly ginger fur like a poodle and the tiniest little legs. He was a lovely little thing. He kept following me around, everywhere I went. Next scene; I was at some sort of social gathering with a bunch of people I didn’t quite feel comfortable with. Some of them were from secondary school, who I hadn’t seen for about 14 years. I managed to pull up a stool at this tall table, but just as I got comfortable. Everyone decided to move to an even higher table, with even HIGHER stools. I couldn’t find a higher stool, so took my ‘less high’ stool over to the chosen table. I now looked ridiculously smaller than everyone else and felt really self conscious.