On a team, , seahorse men

Date: 6/6/2020

By stardustzer0

I am at a facility, that is sort of like a rec center and retirement home. It has a combination of indoor and outdoor space. There is a patient there who becomes blackened, evil. There is a man who wheels him out of the facility, in a serious but almost comical manner, like a Doctor Who, and says that the man is a demon. It makes sense, there was another patient there who grew tentacles and changed into a land sea creature monster. She also got disposed of, by me and the Doctor. No one else seemed to be catching on to the fact that it was like a virus, some strange evil thing that was spreading but person to person and turning them into demons and monsters. It got started by a demon being transplanted there. The Doctor decides to put a team together to go around the world finding these demons and monsters. He picks four people based on his need of skill set, and I am not one of them. He wants to pick me but he doesn’t want to seem like he’s playing favorites, so I volunteer to make the schedule for the squad. He immediately says ok and I’m in, I immediately just put the whole squad on duty 24/7, and I am free to find more strange creatures and monsters There is an interlude where I am in the rec centers break room that also stores as a storage closet for food for the visitors and patients there. I am looking for food to take with us but it has to be a specific type. There is another woman in there who does not know I am a part of the squad, she thinks I just work at the rec center. She tries to makes small chat with me but I do not want to engage with her. I am looking for truffle brownies, those brownies that are super soft and almost liquidy but still solid on the inside, and sandwiches. I do not want to be in there right her anymore, I I grab a few handfuls of what there is in front of me and leave. I realize that the strange creatures and demons are innately attracted to me, that is my gift or ability, my true contribution to them team. The Doctor asks where we should go and we decide to start in Australia, and to go across the waters to New Zealand and the kiwi islands. We are in the water in Australia, on our way to boats off in the distance. Then a giant seahorse appears, but it’s like if mermaids were seahorses, it looks almost totally like a seahorse but has a more human consciousness, though still wild. It appeared because of me. It is harmless, but beautiful and interesting, it makes me happy to see it. It also feels ageless. In another part of my dream I get a notice that Bastian has been sent to the pound, and put on puppy death row for biting someone. But he was dog napped and got scared, and bit someone. They took him to be put down. Before they could do that though I got a phone call from a man, saying he had my damn dog and I better come get it. I am in the woods at my grandmas house, and I can hear the man yelling for me but I can’t tell where he is. I yell into the woods to try to find his direction. I can hear him echoing. I text him to get his address and he’s in a club in DC, on the second floor. I tell him I will pull up in front of the club because I’m not dressed for going into the club and he says alright. He says I have to make it there in 25 minutes. The gps directions tell me it will take 27 and I tell him I will be there in 20. I drive to the club to pick him up, he is dark African, with short hair. He gets in the car and tells me where to go to get Bastian. We are driving in the country/suburbs and there is a long gravel driveway that he tells me to pull into, it goes uphill to a nice modern home. There is an Asian family loading up a minivan. They have been keeping Bastian safe for me, and they return him to me. I am grateful. In another part of my dreams there is something like a carousel, but there are strange creatures and more demons on it. It is in the middle of a mall, or some sort of structure. I am walking around it, I think my mom is there but I’m not sure.