I am in a snow covered city, and it is day out. Maybe I am in Minneapolis. I am walking into a fast food place with another person, and she is pointing ...
I am in Peru, in the jungle. I am getting my tent situated, trying to keep the bugs out. There are others who are doing the same. There is one person wi...
I am on a mountain with a crystal clear view of the sky. It is either very early evening or early morning- it’s still somewhat bright out but the stars ...
My grandmother is helping me wake up for work. I tell her she doesn’t have to do that, and she says she’s already up. I’m preparing a mug of cacao and s...
Gabrielle was going to Mexico. I am at the border with her. We exchange some necklaces. I am not sure what I give her but she gives me a chrysoprase pen...
There is a siege happening, it is unexpected and takes most of us by surprise. There are a few people who were prepared for it, but most are caught unaw...
Stephan and I are looking at Penny and Josh’s old house on Hideaway Lane. It’s for sale, and empty. I wasn’t expecting Penny to be there- Stephan and I ...
I am on a planet much like Earth, with other humans. Everything seems normal until an alarm starts going off. We all run into a large house and start sc...
I am trying to find my way out of a diner that is multiple rooms.
I am at my grandmas house, in the basement. She isn’t supposed to be home, she is in Texas and I am picking her up Saturday morning and it’s only Thursd...
Bastian is with me, it’s my first dream with him since he’s passed. He’s healthy, but I’m worried about him. I don’t want certain people to find him. I ...
I am living in the future, in a sort of compound that is meant to look like a harmless neighborhood. There are cameras everywhere though, and everyone i...
I am in the Bahamas, and looking at the islands from above. I’m there to take care of something or someone. I am at a university house, and it is a di...
First part- I am at work. Allison, Hannah, Heather and Lindsey and standing in the office looking towards the break room and are concerned. Becca’s dad ...
I start out in this reality, or what is the “normal” reality. But there’s a switch, an activation that flips everything upside down. I am on an old wood...
I dream that I am at some nightmare mall with never ending twists and turns and things that are constantly changing what they are. I am initially there ...
I dreamed I was at a train station, a huge and very busy train station. It was almost as if it was a spiral shaped skyscraper. I must have just gotten o...
I am in a skyscraper hotel on the coast of a beach’s I am in a room with Gabrielle. We are extremely high up. Maybe her brother is there too? Laying dow...
There are these two women, one black and one white. The black woman has a big afro and she is standing there, wrapping Saran Wrap around herself and sha...
There is a metallic blue house on a hill, it has two floors but it’s almost modular or maybe a shipping container home. It isn’t great for hide and seek...
There is some sort of experiment gone wrong and I am one of the original people to witness it. There are a series of towers made of large concrete brick...
The horses weren’t actually dead but for some reason someone wanted to kill them. Maybe because those horses were actually people disgusting themselves ...
Somehow I wind up on an island in Canada, with a group of people that I know and work with. The island is shaped somos like a cube when you look at it o...
I’m at my grandparents house but it’s the future, and their house isn’t their house anymore. It’s like a restaurant, but I’m the only person working the...
Stephan and I get married, we go to the islands for our honeymoon. While we are there we go to the museum of Bahamian history- it is a large, serious bu...
I am at a facility, that is sort of like a rec center and retirement home. It has a combination of indoor and outdoor space. There is a patient there wh...
There is a black and white cat, for some reason someone puts scuba gear on it and it goes into a clear body of water, outside I think. The cat is happy ...
I drove my car on to the top of a river cruise ship, it is day out and things are peaceful. There is someone with me, a good female friend. The cruise s...
In my dream I “woke up” in a crowded line of people. I couldn’t remember anything about how I got there. I tried to ask the people around me what was ...
I am looking for a device, a machine that I need in order to finish what I started, but I’m stuck. I think it has something to do with time travel. I am...
The first thing I remember is the apartment- all of us being shoved into a 2 bedroom apartment with our animals and each other. We had to keep the blind...
I am talking about clouds with someone and they ask me if I can tell which clouds will be storm clouds. They keep calling them seed clouds. They say, “ ...
I am with a group of people and we are at my Grandma’s property- and going to the field next to hers where the old tobacco barn is. We have somehow mana...
I am with a group of people in what I think is a school. There is something very wrong, and we have begun to barricade ourselves as much as possible. It...