Date: 7/7/2018
By Secret&Mystical
So I had a dream that I had a baby and was carrying that little kid with me everywhere I went. And we went to this carnival like thing. I was there dancing with some Goshen friends and you were there too, your family? And other people. Haider and his family were there too and also just like a bunch of people from all over the world ! We were spinning and dancing so hard.... there were so many beats flying in the air and the music was super loud. Confetti was falling from the sky as well. At the end of the day I would clime up to a palm tree houses in the shape of a cone with open windows and wooden furniture in the inside. It was like we all lived in a native community type place with light brown palm cone shaped houses. The next day, we would come down and celebrate again... This went on for days and days. I still had the baby attached to me with like a holder thingie. And then one day at night, it was so cold and so dark. It was like thundering and it was so windy many of the decorations fell off. That night we heard the most horrible screams ever. Like pigs were being killed. It was so sad and everyone was so scared we were all hiding in our houses. The next day, we walked outside to see what was happening and there were many dead bodies on the ground. Like dismembered and stabbed. There was blood everywhere it was horrible. I don’t Remember what category of people were on the ground but I remember categorizing myself with that group. Either minorities or Christians or something - I’m not sure, but I was scared to DEATH. And looked everywhere and covered the baby with my arms he wouldn’t stop crying. Then I saw images of like super racist people with leather clothes and motorcycles. Laughing and celebrating. Everyone was so quiet looking at the bodies, it was a sad day. There was a sense of chaos everywhere. I remember having this intense desire to go to church. Everyone was going to church. We moved form like celebrating to going to church and praying and praying and praying. I went to this catholic, maybe another category of Christian church. But the people were now separated by religion. You and haider and many people would go to your church. There were people in the streets talking about the Bible and also the Koran! Like prophets. I remember seeing everything shaky and like trembling and blurry when I went to my church. But I met this old man and he was like telling me all about the Koran. And about how I should learn from it’s wisdom because the end was coming. And like I started going to your church with you and haider and your families? I met your dad? And then I felt such a sense of relief. Happy that if I could just go to both churches and be involved in prayers with people from all backgrounds, I would be saved no matter what... and you and haider and me and other people would get together and we would be super worried and talked about strategies and things about the end of the world, so many was happening and we were like in charge of something. Everyone seemed scared but we were in peace, we kept taking care of this baby till the end? It’s face was kind of bruised and purple by the end which was super weird... I woke up when everything felt peaceful, and your face and haiders were in leave but looking down? It was kind of foggy and blurry but it was SOOOO peaceful and we were thinking about like the world? And humanity...