First I had a perfect family day. We were in Mexico! My hometown Aguagorda Nini, my brother - same age as me, and I were watching a show .. this Mexic...
My family and i were sad. Life was getting really Overwhelming. I had a pressing need to leave constantly tho. I felt I had somewhere to go. Right befor...
I am not sure if it’s the fact that I miss her that made me think of her. But I really really wish it would come true. She was so beautiful, so free, so...
The world had ended - the world as we know it at least. Everyone was so poor or on the streets except for this family. They had a huge mansion.. and so...
The grass was an intense emerald green that glowed with the touch of a sunny golden glimmer The beauty of this perfect day transcended into the air The ...
It was the sound of that music. The sound of a terrifying tune that kept playing over and over again. I felt the music. I heard the music. I saw the mus...
I found myself in a very sandy place with dark orange skies. It seemed like the beach on a lovely yet a bit cloudy sunset. I couldn’t see the ocean, how...
I had a dream that I was out at my families house for a special dinner with a couple of my friends - Deena and Haider. TÃa Cori was super prominent amon...
The setting took place in my childhood town again. This started off by my mom talking to me, my cousin Christopher and a bunch of other kids about a dra...
I was changing to go to work or school and I was very rushed. I was at Erich’s House. For some reason, I kept - getting wet ! Erich kept dumping water ...
So I had a dream that I had a baby and was carrying that little kid with me everywhere I went. And we went to this carnival like thing. I was there danc...
Today, I had one of the most vivid and strangest dreams I’ve had in a very long time. I was reunited with several of my friends. I grew up in a very s...