Date: 11/17/2019
By silent
Elephant horde on a field, abstract warning that everyone must hide. All except one who is reading some pages leaves. He is holding pages wirh his nose, ignores the warning Then in the horizont a huge freaking warrior elephant comes our way, with several segments, two arms, four legs, weapons...i mean that thing was more than scary. It was maybe a hundred times bigger than an actual elephant. It was beyond anything i expected. At first i only saw teo ears, thinking it was gonna be a big elephant, but man... Holy mother! So that thing comes right our way, takes a huge step and just stomps the reading elephant into a puddle of pink blood. Just one stomp and immediately dead. What a crazy thing to was so real and intense...also the warning was so clear, everybody left...and why a reading elephant? Just makes no sense. Is it some sort of message that i dont understand?