Elephant horde on a field, abstract warning that everyone must hide. All except one who is reading some pages leaves. He is holding pages wirh his nose,...
SobI found myself in a natural environment, something close to a savanna, in the wet season. So the bushes and trees were lush and green. Next thing I ...
Very weird dream scenes that take way too long too explain in detail, plus typi g with the phone takes too long as i make a lot of spelling errors. Just...
I was in some shelter for cows, where little calves were laying in a curled position, like Insects. For some reason I wanted to see what happens when I ...
So I was in a room where a guy that regularly comes by at te store where I work, gives me a beard trim. After he is done I look in the Mirror and my be...
I was in the store where I work at the moment. Suddenly there was this short woman with dark curly hair. I saw how she held a gun at me. The vision qas ...
I found myself looking for a place to pee, in a garage I was searching for a cup or something, but there were voices from upstairs so I couldnt. Dota 2 ...