Communist Nasal Secrets

Date: 11/28/2020

By leusid

I was wandering through a series of corridors slash small valley or dry riverbed or something, and this conservative march started coming through, so I started waving these two little flags I had while prancing right in front of the procession. A lady was standing on the other side and I ended up next to her, both of us standing between the parade and a rock wall. She made a comment about how I shouldn't bring that around here, and I looked at my flags and they were communist flags lol, and I was like honestly these aren't the flags I thought I'd printed. We talked for a bit and then she grabbed my nose between two fingers got-your-nose style, and I was like oh are you getting my nose lol, and she said "do you mind if I pull it pretty hard?" then started doing it and explaining that she felt something hard in there and thought it might be some kind of hidden important thing that she'd heard that liberals or communists or something sometimes hide in their noses lol. I asked if she was having any luck, but she wasn't. Earlier I realized more than half of my citizens didn't have a place to live, so I found a large open plot and ordered them to start building huge houses, there were lots of other building options tho that I didn't recognize and I was like I probably need some of those, I'd better look it up.