Date: 8/16/2018
By squidward
I woke up between this and my last dream, but it was the same mansion. I took my mom to this mansion because I thought it was abandoned. It was located at this mini island, so you had to take a boat to get there. It was sunny when we got there. When we went in, there were so many cats. We had to kill one because it was evil, but we couldn't do it because i didn't want to. We found this princess room and went in. It started pouring and got really dark. We watched videos on this computer, but we heard people downstairs. We stopped everything immediately and shut off the computer and the lights. We went to the closet and I shut off one of the lights with a switch from the outside. There was still one light left and my mom was about to panic trying to find a switch, but then she realized the light had a button and she pressed it and it shut off. We were in a large closet. We were just sitting on opposite sides of the walls and listening to the people get closer.