Date: 6/22/2024
By Emile
I woke up in a strange house with a trans girl standing next to my bed. She wore an empty pillowcase over her head. After I woke up, she turned around and left the house through the backdoor. Something told me I should follow her and so I did. We walked a few meters and stopper at a little floral arch with some sort of root vegetable hanging in the middle of it. This appeared to be the spot for this trans girl's wedding and her husband would be a trans guy living in another house. All the information about what is happening and where I was manifested in my head after arriving at the archway. Immediatedly after my realization, the root vegetable started to speak. From where this happened and what language it was, I do not know. But it was calming and I somehow understood every single thing. For a moment I was at peace, swept away by the sounds emanating from this root vegetable. Until a second sound appeared in the mix; this one more robotic. The trans girl immediately ran back into the house and I knew I had to follow her. I left that tranquil spot and headed for the bed I woke up in. As I entered the house, I saw a white light scanning through the window and then changing to a red. The robotic sound "No ligeforms detected" was peaceful, yet authoritative. The robot outside then moved to the front door, opened it and came inside. At that point I quickly jumped into bed and turned towards the wall. I saw the red light approaching the bed. When it got there, the red light switched to the scanning white light again. After the scan was complete, the white light changed to a static green and the robotic voice said "lifeform detected". The robot turned around and left, but in the reflection as it did so, I saw that it looked like a star and was hovering as it traveled. I woke up almost immediately after that.