Bullet Factory

Date: 7/24/2020

By Emile

I was part of a team that got hired to make bullets. Somehow the owner and the scientist that works for him have discovere that they could make bullets cheaper by $1 per million bullets by using a different material in combination with gunpowder. They used a sort of charcoal I believe. I was hired as part of the social media section, but was unsure as to why we needed one. Some of the other jobs included administration, scientist, an engineer with conveyer belt experience (this one was not yet hired), storage allocator and entertainment. One of my friends, Kyle, was in charge of that one. He made an introduction video for the first meeting, but the whole intro through he was talking about himself and not the company. He was also live streaming the entire event and I remember placing my hands on my forehead and saying "Oh no, Kyle... why?". I knew that out boss is an angry man and Kyle would most likely get killed for that stunt. Nobody around the table was happy. The lady in charge of administration was extremely rude. She was a beautiful black woman. She dressed like she was ready for business; with her soft long hair, piercing eyes, slender physique and soft, yet defined, jawline, she actually scared and aroused me at the same time. I did not like her personality as it had a holier-than-thou air to it. The scientist and storage allocator did not have striking features nor did they interact with me in the dream, so they don't have an introduction. I was working with my friend, Eric. We were in charge of social media. This part also included sending out tweets notifying people about job openings in our somewhat undercover business. The leader/boss of all of this was Jim Carrey. He had all of his features, except for his personality. This Jim Carrey was exceptionally rude and extremely stubborn. He had a reputation of going off on people for no apparent reason. Eric and I immediately started. Our first job was to tweet about the engineering position. We drafted the tweet and fine-tuned it. After we sent it, I overheard the boss and scientist talk about another position. I naturally asked if I should start sending more tweets about that position as well and this set everyone off for some reason. Jim was livid and fired me immediately. I didn't understand it, as I was merely inquiring something. But that is neither here nor there. On the way out, the administration lady was insulting us and laughing. She was averse to hiring us from the start. We brushed her insults off and left the factory. Once we were outside, I noticed that we were in a somewhat secluded area and we were surrounded by sand and small barren trees. As we walked down the side of the building, I heard Jim calling from behind. He was lightly jogging in our direction. He put his hands on my shoulder, tilted his head, gave us a sypmathetic smile and handed us a plastic bottle to throw away on our way our. He then gave a smug smirk and watched us as we turned away and walked. I immediately noticed I was alone as Eric was no longer there. I continued down the street and into the rode so I could catch my lift. As I entered the road, I noticed that my lift was a dog. I knew this wouldn't work, because as I approached the dog, he ran away. (This was not the only reason why it would not work). I decided to walk instead. As I reached the corner of the road, I looked back at the factory one last time. When I looked back, I noticed Jim slowly walking back to the door. He appeared to have gotten a pair of lion paws for hands. I think even he was confused by this. But he shrugged it off and continued toward the building. I immediately noticed two tigers playing with each other very close to him. While they were playing, they fell on top of him and he was pinned. They didn't pay much attention to him at first. But after they noticed him, they started to tear him to shreds. They did not eat him, but rather clawed his flesg from his body as if it were a scratching post. I watched his corpse move with the rhythm of their clawing. I wanted to look away, but could not. Eventually, I walked away and headed into the nearest town. The town was mostly located in a valley. I remember standing at the top of the main road, looking over the town. I headed down into the valley town.I ended up right outside a church. As I was standing in their garden, I woke up.