House party

Date: 11/26/2024

By thetruecall

I was at a house party with the track guys. I remember Charlie, Brian, and Mojo being there. In the dream the house was mine , but I don’t recognize it as any place I’ve lived irl. I saw Brian’s daughter and I complemented her to Brian as a nice person. There was a lot of drinking and laughing. I think it was Mojo who decided he might be ready to go, but he was too drunk so I tried to convince him not to go. I found an ice chest with beer in it and grabbed a Miller High Life in a huge glass container, almost like a jug. I wasn’t sure who brought the High Lifes, but I was pretty sure they wouldn’t mind if I took one. I was a mix between social anxiety and elation. At first it seems things were awkward between everyone, and early in the dream it seems people had their kids with them. Then the little kids seemed to not be there and it was more of a party atmosphere. At some point people started talking about heading to a club or something. I think Derec was there. My wife suddenly woke me up to say we slept in and were going to be late for Dexter’s doctor’s appointment. I was bummed because At that point in the dream I was feeling excitement and elation at being with my old friends.