Charlie was getting married. They come by to see some of us before the wedding. Their marriage license is in some sort of container. They need the lic...
I am in Munich traveling. I find myself in an area of the city that seems to be nothing but small restaurants, one after another, where they serve saus...
I’m dropping some friends off at school. We have to wait for a minute so I sit down and start to doodle on a piece of paper. I can’t remember what I wa...
I’ve been assigned as a sort of aide-de-camp to general George Patton, however it seems we are not at war at the moment. He seems to be semi-retired, or...
In the first part of the dream I was at a house with the Gier’s and my cousin Miranda, and my mother made an appearance at some point too. The house se...
I ran across Mexico with the track guys.
I was at a house party with the track guys. I remember Charlie, Brian, and Mojo being there. In the dream the house was mine , but I don’t recognize i...
I met a kind prostitute who was a little older than me. In the dream I think I was a much younger man. Maybe late teens early 20s it seemed. She let me...
I was home (Hutchinson?) and out with friends. I saw Alison W. I asked if she wanted to come over. She said she couldn’t. I was sad. We had both been...
I had a two part dream First, I was some sort of law enforcement officer, a detective I think. Anyways, I had a handgun. I decided to go to a movie. I ...
I dreamt I was with Naomi walking around Strawberry Hill. I think we were drunk and sort of stumbling around. We were happy to be together and we were...
I was a student at a cooking school. I had a written assignment to turn in that was due at the end of the day. The class had been told this assignment...
A girl I knew falsely accused me of raping her. I confronted her and she seemed to sincerely believe I’d done so. She seemed like an unstable individu...
The Girrs lived in my old neighborhood on brigadune. I helped fix a leaky pipe at there home. Alison lane drove by. Turns out she lived in the house ac...
See some attorneys I used to know. See old friends.
I had a dream my brother had become a transgender woman and a drug addict. I went to find him at a cheap hotel in an airport. He was hanging out with o...
I watched a construction crew build a house and I started to help some. We used bricks from a demolished church to add accents to the brick work. The ...
I’m in Washington D.C. and seem to be a member of congress. I’m in the house chamber listening to people give speeches. I think I give a speech that is...
I become unwittingly involved in a classic rock band that is actually a front for a cult. Eventually the police raid the compound and I am rescued.
I was working a job I didn’t like and was anxious about several projects I had a deadline for. For some reason a bunch of my coworkers and I went to an...
I met with Charlie and Pete to ask if they wanted to start meeting in the mornings to run.
I travelled to Tokyo to stay with a couple old friends for a few days and catch up. They lived together in an apartment with a third female roommate. W...
Stephanie and I go to a club for a night out. Be both get a bit drunk. One girl starts making eyes at me. She comes over and sits with us. She starts...
I’m at a summer camp and bunking across from Heidi G.
I’m jack nickelson in NYC. I decide to write a story about my day. Im also a cop. I’ve ticketed a man/woman for some minor offense. Their shoes are ...
I’m driving home with my family when the car loses power for some reason. I start trying to push the car home, but for some reason there is a bunch of ...
My wife and I are having a party at our house. A bunch of important people are attending. Some of us head down to the basement. For some reason a crow...
Alison westfall moved to NKC and is working in a pharmacy. I am working on a report about friends and I ask her if I can use her as a subject for the r...
I decided to drive down to Old Mexico to vote in their elections. My grandad’s old folks home was nearby so I stopped in to see him. We had a nice cha...
I’m driving to college when I decide to stop at a store. I buy a litter of Guinea pigs to raise and sell at college to make money. When I get to my do...
We are at war with. Russia. I and a team are paradropped into London. We go into a house for shelter. It turns out Charlie and Courtney love there. W...
Aaron Bbach kicked down a dam and water rushed in to replenish a dying river.
I tried to cut my own hair in a bathroom at the pace I worked. I decided to use a set of clippers for the sides and back and a pair of scissors for thx...
I dreamt Stephanie was in an alternative all girl band when she was younger, but the band broke up a long time ago because of drama.
I was somewhere between life and death. I was in an empty Olympic pool inside a building. It was very dark. Somehow my spirit/soul/essence was trapped ...
I wandered through a vast area near downtown KC that bore no resemblance to the area IRL. It was a vast area crisss-crossed by countless railroad tracks...
I wondered from street to street in NYC at night. The city didn’t look like nyc irl, but was darker. The streets were narrower and winding. Sometimes ...
I was working for a family business as some sort of consultant. I started having conversations with the business owner’s mother. One day I told her abo...
Me and the boys were dropped off at a park with a tent and camping gear. It was snowing a lot and very windy, like a blizzard. I was trying to find som...
I was on a quest with a group of adventurers. We came upon a terrifying and powerful red dragon. It was an immense creature. It savagely attacked my...
I’m living in a house with several roommates. I think we’re in college in Boston. I’m sitting next to a window and I watch seawater running up against ...
I go on a journey in a toy truck. First I go through town too meet my parents in a park. Then I return home with a boy and an indian girl. The way hom...
Charlize Theron is an AI that lives in a robotic body or on computers. She comes with me to recover a warhead from spas.
Stephanie was driving a car in circles around an elevated roadway. She was in a mood and I told hercto slow down. We struck 3 cars, but we’re able to ke...
There is a bar I start to frequent. I start getting to know the employees. The manager offers me a job there. One of the female bartenders helps me le...
Stephanie, the kids, and I were at an outdoor festival. We bought food from a vendor (I got a German sausage on a bun and a beer) and went to sit at a ...
Lincoln and i want to a local music theatre and watched some performances of people we knew. We had a dog that some of the performers liked to meet. I...
I was going to classes at some school. I had to submit updates on my progress to my teachers daily. One of my he classes I missed regularly Someone se...
I read a book about socialist planning for a small urban enclave. I disagreed with a conclusion that money spent in a large rural county was misspent be...
My wife and I were going to a store called the Corn Cob that sold corn related goods so she could buy something she needed. There were several stores n...
I was out in a field somewhere, maybe for a run. At some point a powerful being (angel?) showed up and granted me some wishes. I asked if I could have...
I’m on a quest in a surreal world. I gather items to help me and put them in a satchel I carry slung across my body. For a long time I have nothing. I...
I’m out with a group of girls I’m friends with in the dream. I think one of them might be Angie. We’re in a car on our way home listening to music. I r...
I’m on a spaceship that crashes on an alien planet. I leave the shop to search for food. Somehow reality is altered and the landscape changes to a sma...
I was wondering through alleyways at night in a city. I found a little cocktail bar and went in to have a drink by myself. I was sitting at a table ...
I was in some sort of talent competition. Like a reality show with athletes and such. Sometimes it felt like I was a viewer, but sometimes i seemed to...
I had to walk to some event along the side of the road. For part of the journey I had to walk next to an interstate highway (I-35 specifically). I rem...
I wasn’t supposed to use my sister-in-law’s baking sheet because she was very possessive of her things. I used it anyways to cook a variety of differen...
There was a quiet girl I liked. I decided to buy her a t-shirt from a coffee hop. I think the t-shirts were designed by Jenna Bimbi. I made the purcha...
I was part of some sort of law enforcement unit I think. We are in training. We are tasked with practicing how to conduct a search. We enter a massive...
Gretchen and myself and some other girl are sitting on a car taking pictures of each other. At some point I’m sitting with Deric and I comment how I’m...
I was in a bus traveling to a town to solve a problem/mystery. This may have been part of a game. I think I was armed. Joe McCardle asked me to find ...
I was in a forested area south of a college campus. As part of some sort of evaluation, I had to provide background/professional information to Becca B...
I’m at a video rental store. I keep looking for a movie about Marcus Aurelius, but I can’t find the right aisle. I sit down with Jordan Martins in the ...
I am a small-time actor at a bar in Hollywood. I see an actress I kinda know and go talk to her. We are happy to see each other and have a nice conver...
I’m undergoing a background check at work and my employers find out some of the apps I use on my phone have been tracking my location. A woman (with HR...
I saw a corvette turn the wrong way down a one way street and run head-on into the front blade of a large bulldozer. The traffic was heavy and some bra...
I had an unpleasant dream during which I received tickets for two DUIs. I started making excuses to the police and others about what happened, about ho...
I dreamt I reunited with Matt janki and Ami Blick, and we were all on a trip to a beautiful town on the coast of Scotland. I remembered how much I miss...
A tall man with brown hair and an older woman are working together at some menial job. The man looks to be in his late 40s while the woman appears to b...
I was in a house with a black woman and her children. I watched as a car parked on the street outside, then a man with a black AK/47-looking gun steppe...
I find out our friends have arranged a surprise meeting for Katie Black and I. Apparently they have arranged for us to separately eat and get showered f...
I was an astronaut on a voyage with a Russian crew (so, a cosmonaut?). Our mission seemed to be exploration, but with some more vital important purpose...
I was younger. We were returning to practice after a break. Perhaps, it seemed, we were returning after a long break from a coronavirus quarantine. ...
I flirted with a girl from Void L (in space).
I lived in a small house beneath where planes flew near an airport. I invited a women over for “companionship” who I believe would be paid for her time...
I was looking through items I owed because a man was there to determine the value of my sig others jewelry and when I asked he said I could throw 3-4 th...
I was depressed about how my life turned out. There was some kind of reunion. Gwen Hake came to see me alone. She let me rest my head in her hands.
I went to a supply store, but I wasn't feeling good and I had to protect my eyes with my arm. I tried to pick up some needle nose pliers, but I was ver...
We were somewhere in Europe for vacation and we were waiting on a plane to take us home. I think I was with my brother. We were taking a smaller plan...
I was pulled over by a police officer. He didn't give me a ticket. After driving a bit, I was pulled over again after I did an illegal U-y, but also ...
I was a galactic being traveling to earth(?) for a funeral/reunion(?). I had to separate from a mothership for the trip. A was aware that there was a ...
I was at a camp for training. I had experienced some special contact with an entity in my dreams. Contact with an entity like this was extremely rare a...
I could move with super speed. Usually in short bursts because controlling the body was difficult when I moved like that. If I wasn't careful I would ...
I was walking around either a school campus or a city with Andy Overton and someone else. We sat down in some arranged folding chairs. I had been talki...
I met a girl named Sam or Rose. I can't remember. I liked her very much. . We watched movies with a group of other people who were all of different a...
An evil creature lived in a cave near a village. The local lord lived in a castle and knew about the creature which was referred to as a dragon. But i...
A beautiful, eccentric, Dutch artist and business woman took an interest in me went I went to look at a tall white windmill she had designed. Somehow s...
I was a reporter in a foreign country. Someplace cold. I didn't want to be there any more. I was trying to convince someone to let me leave. To be ...
I was watching the old house on Brigadune street. I think it was the 4th of July. My parents and Steven went to check out a movie. The home was much ...
I was with a group or gang. We all had different weapons. There was a symbol for each of us. I carried two bats or sticks so my symbol was crossed st...
I remember we all rode off on horseback because we were victorious. We rounded a corner in a gallop. I also somehow watched the group riding towards ...
I floated just off the ground with five balloons tied to a string wrapped around my waist. I could move as fast as I wanted floating one way or another...
I was on another planet to do several things. I was in some manner of contest/ test that I had to pass. At some point I was driven somewhere by Kathy G...
Was playing squash with Steph Mott. After, in the locker room someone tells me this school has a swimming pool which I decide to check out. At the ind...
We all get together to form playdo. Or maybe a cake. This was originally part of a obstacle course.
Sad dream. I had to go to a dr. Appt Before school everyday. Or maybe a dentist appt. to. Get my mouth cleaned. I was tired and slept during appt fre...
- I was suffering some manner of injury and o could not run on the team. It occurred to me that I hadn't gone to watch and support the team, felt a sma...
- I may have been an old man at the point. I was sorting through a table of used items. Perhaps left over from the war. A Great War had just happened...
We were in Bruxelles for an assignment for school or work. I wa grouped with Kristianne Bryant and Melissa White. We spent our time having fun and wal...