Cute Burglar and Climbing to the Attic

Date: 6/10/2018

By belle7244

First, I was at some beach with my friend and were about to cross the bridge into a city. All of the sudden a cute boy stops us and we initially think “okay, nice!!” But then he tells us he wants to steal something and we’re like “hell no dude!!” He takes off running and we run after him to this docked red submarine. He jumps into a small opening. We both panic bc we’re both claustrophobic, but I end up jumping in after him. The are was really small and I was panicking, but I could see him right in front of me. I grabbed him and managed to get out. We all walked back across the bridge and he was apologizing a lot. Right as I was about to ask him out, the dream changed. I was in the bedroom of someone I haven’t spoken to since last year—I’ll call him A—with him, my one other friend (B, I guess), and another guy I don’t speak to much anymore (C I guess). We’re all talking and laughing and having a good time. A says “I want to go into the attic but I can’t reach.” B and I agree, so C stands up and goes over to the window. He then uses the two walls around the window to hoist him up to the ceiling. He crawled on he ceiling and to the attic door, opened it, got the ladder down, and jumped off the ceiling. We were all so impressed, we forgot to go into the attic.