Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Generate an image of a pregnant woman lying on a therapist-style couch at a funeral, with her deceased baby next to her in a crib, his eyes opening and closing as if he is still alive but sleepy.

The Bodies

Date: 2/13/2019

By blucanary

All I remember of this dream was that two women were attacked. One was tall with thick shoulder length black hair and was pregnant. She was killed. The other woman survived. We went to the funeral of the first woman. Her child died with her. She was lying on a couch (one of those fancy therapists style couchs. I know the name but cant think right now). She wasnt laid out properly though. She was on her side and her arms were all twisted at an odd angle. The baby was next to her in a small crib. They didnt glue his eyes shut like they usually do with deceased bodies and I remeber thinking that it must have had something to do w his age (he was a full baby, she had been almost nine months along by the looks of it but he was still killed in her womb and then removed).His eyes kept opening wide amd then shutting slowly as if he was still alive and just really sleepy. I could picture myself going to him and picking him up to cradle him in my arms. He even had a pacifier in his mouth. It was very sad.

AI generated interpretation This dream appears to be quite complex and emotionally charged, reflecting themes of life, death, loss, and perhaps a sense of helplessness or inability to protect those in need. The presence of two women being attacked and one being killed could symbolize feelings of vulnerability or danger in your waking life, particularly towards women who may represent nurturing or creative aspects of yourself. The pregnant woman who was killed may represent the loss of potential or unfulfilled hopes and dreams, as well as the vulnerability of life and innocence. The image of her lying on a fancy couch in an improper position with her arms twisted could suggest feelings of discomfort, disarray, or lack of control in your own life or relationships. The presence of the baby who was also killed in the womb but appeared to be alive with open eyes and a pacifier could symbolize the continuation of life even in the face of death. Your desire to cradle and comfort the baby may reflect a nurturing and protective instinct within you, as well as a deep sense of sadness and longing for what could have been. Overall, this dream may be reflecting your unconscious fears, anxieties, and unresolved emotions surrounding themes of loss, protection, and a desire to care for and nurture others. It may be helpful to explore these feelings further and consider how they relate to your waking life and personal experiences.