Date: 5/28/2024
By nicolezdzieba
I’m at a pool somewhere with Alyssa, Dalton, and several other people. When I ask Alyssa if she’s thinking of having more kids, she tells me that she recently felt a way that suggests pregnancy symptoms (I’m pretty sure they were actually completely unrelated to pregnancy). I get out one of my small pregnancy tests and dip it in a cup of what must be her urine on the ledge of the pool. I swim away with the test and chat with my mom for a minute. When I look down, I see two dark pink lines. I immediately make my way back to Alyssa and show her the test. She seems shocked but excited … My bellybutton feels normal again. I tell Brody and everyone else I’m with … I’m in the past with the cast of High School Musical in what looks like a large plaza. I see Vanessa Hudgens going to talk to Zac Efron and realize that they’re still together. They seem happy … I’m sitting in a dining room or restaurant somewhere with Brody and another guy — possibly Blake or Blane — when Caden Martenson comes in wearing a suit. Before we can greet him, he quickly says he has something to tell everyone and announces, “I am, indeed, a homosexual.” I smile, not sure of what to say, and make some kind of joke about how I thought he was going to say something else.