Greatfell Beware

Date: 4/9/2020

By leusid

At the end, I went to the apartment where she was staying. I think it looked nice. I hadn't been able to find any of the baby vermin or whatever, it was like crows or rats that I needed. During my search I'd heard a documentary-esque bit of info saying that these vermin's nests are constructed in such a way that it can kill animals that try to mess with it, even "greatfell," such as elk lol. Looks like that's a term my dream made up, I would have believed it was real lol. Anyway I'd been breaking of pieces of land looking for the nests, the pieces coming off resembling tiny PVC segments, feeling like a cross between styrofoam and fungus, but to no avail. She told me she would just give me some, I was like really awh, thank you! We were chatting, for some reason I decided I should leave her alone for the night, so I was like well okay thank you, have a good night. We hugged goodbye, it felt really nice. So warm.. I said "wow you're so warm" and chuckled "didn't realize how cold I was." She kept hugging me and was fumbling around with her hands behind my back, I realized she was taking off gloves so she could let me feel her warm hands more directly. 🥰 Before that, we'd been waiting at some Canadian transit station. I saw a weirdly-dressed guy looking reminiscent of those English royal guards or whatever with the red coats and gigantic black puffy hats lol. I had a backpack full of so much random shit, I needed some of it for entry into some kind of program or something. Someone mentioned a certain document or something that I wasn't sure I had, so I started digging through my pack, through ridiculous amounts of paper and stuff, couldn't find it. I think that might have been the start to my search that eventually evolved into the vermin. A lady was trying to help me look. Instead we found a video game I'd apparently made, and turned it on. She recognized some assets from another franchise, I don't remember what. I was like "yep, and there's Mario's head," pointing to a caravan rolling down a dune with a giant Mario head on top. I said people would like that because it was familiar and recognizable but in a new context. But the actual game was lacking, I told her, compulsively diminishing my work as usual. Then we were driving like.. Go karts or dune buggies, she said well this is already fun! I was like haha yeah, well, I didn't make this part...