Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Create an image of a retro college dorm room in the 1960s or 70s, where a group of young women are gathered discussing a rock star, with vivid drapes, a large brass number 75 on the door, and a sense of secrecy and intrigue.

The Doors of Perception

Date: 3/29/2019

By blucanary

I was in the 1960's or 70's. I was there with Jim Morrison (Im just as comfortable with him in the dream as I am with Al irl. He kinda gave off 'Al vibes' but he was Morrison). We were in what looked like a college town or something. There was a big building with all these separate dorms or rooms or the like. Jim and I quickly and quietly slipped into our room. We kept the lights off and slept for a couple hours. When i woke up it was still dark outside (Im guessing it was about 4 a.m). I remember looking around the room for my shoes and deciding on a pair of jeans instead of a skirt. I needed to get to the methadone clinic and wanted to go before the sun came up to reduce my risk of being seen. We knew the cops were looking for us. This is the point in the dream where I realize we had killed someone (or someones). Jim walks me to the door. As soon as it's open someone notices us and points in our direction. I hurry and run across the street, hoping that whomever saw me would just think I was a one night stand doing the walk of shame home. Across the street was a large vacant lot, empty except for so much dirt and a fence surrounding the entire lot. I squeezed through the fence and began to make my way across the dirt lot when I realize I forgot my take home box. I had to go back as grab my box. I had never forgotten it before, I can't believe I did that! So I squeeze back through the fence and cross the street. The only problem however is that every single one of these tall dorm doors look exactly alike and I can't remember our room number. I do remember room 75. I see room 73, then 74..good, I think to myself, 75 is next. The brass numbers are quite large, but then again, so are the doors themselves. I knock. A young woman answers. I see inside are another couple young women. This is not our room but rather the room Jim had to come to in order to get the key to our room. That's why I remember the number. The girl invites me in. I sit quietly on the couch while she continues her conversation with obviously the young woman who owns this room (from her self confidence, the way she holds herself and the way the two other girls treat her I can tell she is the head of this little group. She had connections, money, and the other girls had nothing without her. They knew it. Everyone knew it. I was casually looking around the room, taking in my surroundings and thinking to myself how cool it was to be in an entirely different era. I looked at the couch, the carpet, the drapes (so vivid in the dream but already losing their color as Im writing this). I was really transfixed by these old (yet new) drapes when Chatty Cathy's conversation caught my attention. She was talking abt Jim and Sunmer (us, as in me and my boyfriend Jim Morrison), and saying that Summer was her aunt and they were close and Summer was so cool. She didn't recognize me. She didnt realize *I* was Summer. She was lying to everyone, telling them she was related to me. I found this so humorous. I said nothing until a few minutes later when the girl straddles me and begins passionately kissing me. Then the girl whose dorm it was approached me. I got the feeling that the one was only kissing me to distract me so that they could kill me. I had to let them know who I was. The 3rd girl in the room is carrying on the conversation Chatty Cathy was having just a minute ago. She's talking about Jim. Something about his show. This is when I finally talk. I say something about backstage at his show and how nice he is. They ask how I know. I nonchalantly tell them who I am. They know they cant kill Jim's lover. I know I am safe. Chatty Cathy continues kissing me and grinding me. She gets my shirt up and is now sucking on my nipple. Im getting turned on amd am starting to breathe hard. The main girl asks me if I've ever seen Chatty Cathy before. I tell her no. That's a good thing. She use to be a Monkees groupie and just converted to a Doors groupie. But groupies and girlfriends and band members or whoever - they dont mess with other bands groupies. If you do you're considered not only a whore but also a traitor. I am now on my back on the couch and Jim suddenly comes in and climbs on top of me as well. Time for a good old fashioned 1960/70's orgy I guess. And that's how the dream ends.

AI generated interpretation The dream you have described is quite complex and rich with symbolism. Dreams are often a reflection of our subconscious thoughts, feelings, fears, and desires. In this dream, there are several key themes and symbols that can be analyzed to gain a deeper understanding of its meaning. 1. **Time Period and Setting**: The dream takes place in the 1960s or 1970s, a time associated with cultural revolution, experimentation, and freedom. This setting suggests a desire for unconventionality, rebellion, and self-expression. The college town environment may symbolize a period of transition and learning in your waking life. 2. **Jim Morrison**: The presence of Jim Morrison in the dream may represent a desire for creativity, freedom, or self-expression. He could also symbolize a rebellious or mysterious aspect of yourself that you are exploring or repressing. Your comfort with him in the dream may indicate a sense of familiarity or connection with these qualities. 3. **Feeling of Guilt and Fear**: The dream takes a darker turn when you realize that you and Jim have potentially killed someone. This may signify feelings of guilt, shame, or fear in your waking life. The need to go to the methadone clinic and avoid being seen by the police could indicate a desire to escape or hide from some aspect of yourself or your past. 4. **Identity and Recognition**: The theme of identity and recognition is prominent in the dream, particularly when the girl mistakes you for someone else and you correct her. This could suggest a need to assert your individuality, be recognized for who you truly are, or confront others' misconceptions about you. 5. **Sexuality and Power Dynamics**: The dream shifts to a scene of sexual intimacy and power dynamics between you, the other women, and Jim. This could reflect an exploration of desire, control, or vulnerability in your waking life. The notion of groupies, loyalty, and betrayal may point to issues of trust, authenticity, or boundaries in relationships. 6. **Orgy Symbolism**: The orgy at the end of the dream may symbolize a desire for connection, intimacy, or emotional release. It could also represent a merging of different parts of yourself, a sense of unity or acceptance, or a need for physical or emotional fulfillment. Overall, this dream appears to be a vivid exploration of various aspects of your psyche, relationships, and desires. It may reflect a mix of feelings, conflicts, and aspirations that are seeking expression or resolution in your waking life. Reflecting on the distinct symbols and emotions in the dream can help you gain insight into your subconscious mind and any underlying issues you may be grappling with.