Kidnapped because i’m short

Date: 8/7/2018

By squidward

I was walking to my car and I couldn't see or hear anything. When I could get my senses back, I was in this tiny box that felt like it was moving. I realized I was in a truck and I remembered that I had a knife on me. I began to carve out a window for me to see and I saw a bird on the other side of my box. I got into the birds box and lifted up the window and was about to step out and step onto the car behind us (we were on the highway) when I got yanked back and brought back inside. He asked me what I was doing and I said i didn't know. I apologized and said that even if i had escaped, i wouldn't know where to go and that was stupid of me and I'll never do it again. I wasn't even lying when I said that, I genuinely meant what I was telling him. He brought me through his whatever vehicle it was and brought me to the front. It was really fancy and had a huge bed and open windows and in the left corner, there was a steering wheel with no one driving, yet we didn't get in a car accident. He told me again that if I do anything bad like that again, he'll throw me to be killed by his dogs (which were also in cages). I asked him what month it was and he said December. I asked him how many days until Christmas and he wouldn't answer me, so I started silently crying because I just want to be home for christmas. He shoved me in the room connected to his room. It was large and had a white bed with a dark blue blanket. All the walls were white. I sat on the edge of the bed and cried and I could feel him watching me. He finally shut the door and left. This voice popped up in my head and asked me if I wanted to know why I was kidnapped. I said yes. The voice told me it was because I'm short and that he likes to watch short girls suffer. He was going to drop me off at this war and watch me get killed.