Digital art, A group of humans find themselves trapped on a planet resembling Earth, desperately seeking refuge in a large house as an alarming sound pierces the air, only to be unexpectedly abducted by alien creatures through a shattering window who claim to be extracting a vital energy source according to a mysterious contract, leaving some resigned and others defiant in the face of their enigmatic fate.

Prison Planet Dream

Date: 12/9/2023

By stardustzer0

I am on a planet much like Earth, with other humans. Everything seems normal until an alarm starts going off. We all run into a large house and start scrambling to get away from these big glass doors and windows. People try to get to the basement but there’s too many people and too much chaos. Suddenly something comes crashing through the window- it is an alien looking creature that uses some type of gravitational pull and grabs me and others. Some people seem to almost go willingly. We are held in this gravitational field and flown up and away from the planet and then transported through space. These aliens are sucking this moisture/energy out from us, almost as if we were fuel. Some people struggle and others just let it happen. Someone explains that this is part of a contract our planets made. There is a certain number of times each person must go through this so some people just try to get it done with, while some people fight because they believe the contract is a lie and there is no limit to how many times this will happen.