Beige Death

Date: 7/13/2020

By leusid

I was somehow creating an index of iterations of similar events and assessing certain things about them. I wish I remembered more about that lol, very vague. I was sitting in a bathtub in the middle of a room, everyone was talking, I got out and pitched in to the conversation that the movie "Beige" somehow fit what was being discussed. Someone else said it was terrible and I was like "right? That movie is pretty much like 'hey you wanna feel terrible? Here you go 🙂'" I think I was trying to refer to the movie "Hostel" lol. Requiem for a Dream would have been an even better example iirc. In a previous dream we were looking after some kid. I was looking at these ants in a sandbox(?) in the foyer of this building we were in, and pointed out to him "look right here the ants are black, and then right next door they're like tan" (or beige? 😎). He started to step into the middle of the beige ant colony and I like held him back and was like "no don't step on them please, please don't step on them, that'll kill them" and he was like "please can I just step on them even though it'll kill so many of them" and I think I just sighed and gave up and thought well kids are fucked up. Later in that dream somehow the kid was a paintbrush(?) and I tried to balance it upright on a step stool for a sec while I walked away, and it fell to the concrete below and I guess the kid was dead and everyone was kinda freaking out. Before THAT dream I had a dream that I really told myself I would remember, but I didn't want to write it down at the time cuz it was 4am and I wanted to get back to sleep. Of course now I don't remember f rip ;;.