Date: 2/6/2022
By Shonna
I dreamed I was trying to find a rare bird. I was looking with Jeremiah. We finally found someone that was selling them. He was a disabled guy with bad legs and couldn't walk much anymore. I believe he might have been dying from cancer. He said he didn't have enough energy and his health was going bad so he had to sell the birds while he could. He said to follow him up to the nest to see the birds and the babies. It was an opening with a ladder that went up four or five stories high. I was scared but I climbed up the ladder to the very top. Thankfully in each opening was alleged that I could stand on before going back down to the next level. Only got to the very top it was open with a view around the whole Forest. But the nest were empty and we didn't see any birds up there. He said his whole purpose was so that way they can still enjoy nature. After coming back down the ladders and reaching the bottom finally, when it decided to get two birds. In my dream we never saw any of the birds though and the dream ended.