I dreamt of Granny again. And this dream we were at the airport and she was driving us around. I looked up and there was thousands of people waiting in ...
Mike Hill come to see me. We were cleaning out someone's attack. It was a huge one that didn't have too much left. Other people were there also helping....
My best friend Ben came to see him. I was out somewhere and he saw me. I couldn't tell who it was but he came out of nowhere and hugged me. I didn't kno...
I dreamt that I was on a ship with my Poppy sailing to a destination unknown. When we got there we had a time limit. I remember random people in an encl...
I dreamt Aunt Karol passed away and my mom and I got a call. She was in a coma and the Dr gave her until October 8-9th then she would die. So my mom and...
Granny came and visited me in my dreams again. We were in this house with a secret lab in the basement. It was a beautiful old Victorian house. I snuck ...
I dreamt that I looked up and saw a massive Eagle 🦅 flying over my head. I grabbed my cellphone and started to record it. The eagle noticed this and sl...
My husband and I were driving around with Papaw Larry, and he was in such a good mood. He laughed and made jokes. He talked about Everyone in the family...
I dreamt we were riding with my husband in a downpour on an off-road somewhere. At first it was clear, then the rain kept getting heavier. Our little gi...
Had a beautiful dream about cruising through the mountains in a car - to get on a plane. I was with Jeremiah. We watched beautiful rivers, waterfalls, a...
I had a visit from the other side. We were driving and I saw Granny sitting on the side of the road smiling. We passed her then drove back. I got out of...
I dreamt of illiterate men trying to fill out application forms. Two men were trying to apply for an ID and went to try and get one. They both were over...
I dreamt I was in Chicago with family. Everything was crazy and I was sick. My old dog was in the dream too. A mailwom was trying to deliver something w...
I dreamed I was trying to find a rare bird. I was looking with Jeremiah. We finally found someone that was selling them. He was a disabled guy with bad ...
I dreamt Grandaddy found me in the Walmart isle as I was walking around the corner. He was pushing a stroller. I was shocked to see him. Once again he d...
I dreamed that my cousin's cousin was moving into a new house that was made of brick. We were taking a tour of the yard that just so happened to being n...
I dreamt that I unknowingly got pregnant, and Granny Betty's soul told me. She held my stomach, and hugged me with pure happiness in her eyes. I was in ...
I was dreaming about getting lost in the mall, because I was waiting on someone. I ended up in a random game store. A little old woman in her mid 60s - ...
I dreamt that I was cooking for the whole Nelson family, when I found out my grandfather was supposed to be attending. My grandfather passed away in 199...
I dreamt that my dad came to see me in the backyard of my grandmother's house. My little brother and I had found seeds of some kind that were hallucinog...
I dreamt that I was riding on an old bike with no breaks. When I started getting too fast, I drifted off into a parking lot of an old store. Inside was ...
I dreamt of being on a road trip. I'm not sure where we were going but I believe it was to a funeral 17 hours away up north. We pulled over at a gas sta...
My little cousin Cody took his life September 1st, and he came to me last night in a dream. His mother Penny passed away just a few months ago as well. ...
This morning I woke up happy. My Granny Betty visited me in my dream. She was so happy. We looked through old family pictures together and she giggled a...
I dreamt that my husband and I found a Chinese baby. Apparently she got lost from her parents. So to pass the time of them coming to find her, we played...
I dreamt Amber died. We were on our way to Wisconsin driving over a beautiful river on a bridge. It was so gorgeous. I pickered a sharp turn around the ...
I dreamt Tina ran Ricks friend over with Rick. She texted me up and said "we killed him" and I looked at my email and she sent one that said "dead." She...
I dreamt that I found a body underwater. I was with my dad. As I passed a dirty in ground pool I saw his feet. I swore I thought I saw his arm move. My ...
I dreamt Jeremiah and I were with Granny somewhere. It was daytime because I remember the sky behind her. To the left were stairs. We were standing at t...
I saw granny wondering around the someone's kitchen cleaning while I searched through cans of pears. I was going to make pear Chicken but needed a big c...
I dreamt Brittany Nelson's grandfather Albert (who passed away last year) had a horrible case of poison ivy. His arm was covered in blisters and burns. ...
I dreamt that I found a shop with real Native American powwow dresses. One was a white shawl dress and the other was just a regular red. Both was made f...
I dreamt that we moved to New York to live. It was a really ugly apartment in a run down side of town. My husband and I only noticed one bedroom and an ...
I was sleeping and felt someone in my house. It was an in-between stage of being asleep and awake. I arose from my bed without getting out of it, to loo...
I dreamed about a little old black lady. She brought together all races in life. No one knew it until she died one day. We were sitting in the church an...
I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend had mites in his eye lashes. My sister was there and was getting in the car to leave. I was screaming at her real loud tr...
I dreamt my husband and I was taking a trip far North from where we lived. We spent the night in an old Victorian hotel. The next morning when we woke u...
In my dream I was hunting a black widow. I had an aquarium full of dead bugs and spider webs. It had sticks piled around the bottoms, and branches stack...
I dreamt my grandmother took us on a search for clothes. We went to two different stores and couldn't find anything. In disappointment, we left. I found...
I dreamt Aunt Sibyl visited me in a bush of with berries. The berries were red and small. Her face was peeping out from inside. She wanted me to pick th...
I dreamt that Nan and I went to check on a faimly in a camper. Apparently the father took his daughter and they moved in, so he could watch her better. ...
I dreamt my husband was cheating on me. I caught him texting another woman. He admitted to is as I was reaching for his phone. He said she was crazy and...
I dreamt we were on a ship and had no place to go. The waves kept rocking back and forth back and forth until we were caught in an inlet next to shore. ...
I dreamt that I cut my hair and bleached it blond like my grandmother's hair. Afterwards I had horrible regret. I tried to wear a black wig. But it was ...
I dreamt our cat Panda was a wild cat that couldn't be tamed. I heard q voice talking to me that was saying how cruel it is to try and force him to be d...
I was getting ready for a storm in Walmart. I Walked outside then got caught in the storm. Couldn't outrun it, so the wind lifted me up into the clouds....
I dreamt Sophie and Scott came back from Greece with Lina. Scott walked into Nan's house which was our house in the dream. He sat down next to a firepla...
My husband and I were in Mississippi when hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana. It was the aftermath that we saw. As we drove we looked out and saw houses to...
That I was packing. I kept getting severe anxiety because the more I packed i was realizing that we were moving into a new house that we've never lived ...
The beginning of my dream was of Einstein and I. He was a frail man and really skinny. I had no idea what we were going to do. But he looked up at me an...
I dreamt that there was a cult having meetings to plan killings. Similar to the Charles Mansion group. They were hidden in a suburban neighborhood. Some...
I dreamt that granddaddy was still alive and he was in the hospital after he had the heart attack. He was unconscious but it was still moving. Nan stood...
My old best friend Brittany Chandler was in my dream. But, beforehand my husband and I was shopping in the dollar store. I had no money wishing I did, a...
My friend had a girl that she brought along for a mountain trip that we was going on with my husband. I was surprised to find out that she was her girlf...
I dreamt I was inside of a house with a boy and his parents. They were praising him for making perfect cookies, sitting around a table covered in a whit...
I dreamt that I was playing Jeopardy with stacks of towels. I'm not sure how the point scale was adding up, since all we were doing was throwing our tow...
I dreamt that Granny Ward woke me up (while I was in the dream). She was grinning and laughing. This was the first dream I've had of her since she passe...
Jeremiah and I was going somewhere for his birthday. We rented a room for the night. Candies was sitting in Nan's lap, when we told Nan goodbye. I picke...
I changed my dream last night. In my sleep I could hear myself redirecting how my dream was going. In the dream itself I was sitting on our very high cl...
I dreamt that we moved to California. It was because my husband had a job that transferred him there. We moved into a small house that was probably made...
I dreamt of an injured monarch butterfly last night. I picked it up and let it's wings slowly gain strength. It stayed with me, and never flew off. (Out...
I dreamt that I was in the house with Jeremiah when he mentioned how the neighbors found a dead body in their yard. Within the next few days I looked ou...
I dreamt I spent a lot of time making this massive meal for my husband's family. His Mom, Dad, and Brother was there. My husband had to go to the store ...
First dream: I had a dream about working on a painting that I am doing right now. The scene was a half blue half red landscape. With a Bright red and or...
I dreamt that my husband and I was invited to an anniversary party that his cousins were having at a mansion on a beach. My grandmother was there as wel...
I dreamt of sitting in a car with my grandmother, looking out of the window at a meteor shower. It look like a combination of a storm, in the northern l...
I dreamt about being in prison. I was in a cell with a couple other people when I noticed one black guy roaming around in the hallway. He was very tall,...
I dreamt that Jeremiah and I was cleaning the house, when I swept over a plastic bag that fell from the sky. inside was a small monkey. It was hairless,...
I dreamt that a friend that I went to high school with was dressed in all kinds of mermaid colors. Her clothes had sequins and colors. Apparently we wer...
I dreamt that I was on a huge ship with some friends. We was sitting under a trellis, having dinner when we heard a helicopter. It kept getting closer a...
In my dream, I was moving from house to house. I couldn't find the right place to live. I went from a small new home, to a bigger old home. The bigger h...
I dreamt there was a confusing map with no real destination. But people were asking where we were supposed to go. I saw things hanging on spinning poles...
I dreamt that I was reliving my dreams inside of my mind. Every dream opened another passage to different areas in my brain. I saw memories that I never...
We were on vacation somewhere near the sea and moutains. Everytime we tried to drive around the coast, giant waves came plowing through in sudden bursts...
I dreamt about riding a bike all over the place. My "Poppy" (an old Puerto Rican man), and I were following people to their houses, to see them home. Li...
I was in a house talking to a really tall guy who was looking down at me. he was sharing a story about his love interest, while I couldn't see hardly an...
I dreamt that I was at someone's house (that was supposed to be mine in the dream). People were going in and out, so I walked out on the front porch. My...
I dreamt that we went to New Orleans for Christmas, and opened presents. While we were there I asked my faimly if they wanted to see the French Quarter....
I dreamt that there were gatherings of thousands of nationalities who were listening to music. The aboriginals were there, and was the only people danci...
I dreamt we were somehow dealing with security issues at an apartment. (There were no Intruders or robbers in the dream). So, a friend of mine in the dr...
There were two little girls who terrorised the neighborhood. One was older than the other. Probably 8, and 9 year old. They hurt my little girl's feelin...
I dreamt that we were loading a bus to go somewhere. There was a man that was a leader of older people. The people were loading on a bus with him. All o...
I dreamt that I was trying to find my friend's (mother's) ashes. She dyed recently and I didn't get to make it to her service. I couldn't find her ashes...
I was standing on top of these skyscrapers trying to make them grow. I would squat down hard to pull the foundation up at the bottom. Underneath I saw t...
I dreamt the Olympics were happening and there was a young Asian girl who was covered in tattoos, running. She was sprinting. There were also food stat...
I found myself running around the house exercising. I told my friends that I needed to lose 10-15 lbs. Everyone seemed disappointed that I was going to....
I dreamt of giant wheels that were formed by clusters of birds. Every bird had to stack a certain way in order to form these wheels. Sometimes hundreds ...
For some reason I was being chased by the police with a guy. I'm not sure what my crime was, or who this guy is. But, it was bad enough to have a life s...
I dreamt of a hurricane that hit Puerto Rico. I was looking above a map, and saw the country swirling. The pieces of land were drifting off into the oce...
Tina and I were talking to each other subconsciously. I asked her if she remembered a wooden playhouse that we built on a beach. She said yes and that i...
Jeremiah and I were riding in a truck to the grocery store. I told him I wished we took the car because it was more comfortable. He erratically parked i...