Another desert dream

Date: 12/3/2019

By candy303

This one happened in the same night as the last dream, and both were in the desert, but they aren’t connected. I was stranded in the desert with a bunch of people. In the dream, it was my APUSH class (the history class I took last year), but I don’t think anyone I recognized there was actually in the class. Miranda was there, and I haven’t been in a class with her since eighth grade. We were in the desert, next to this small visitor-center-style building that we couldn’t get inside. There was broken glass all around the outside of the building and for some reason I was picking it up and putting it in a pile, even though nobody else was doing it. We seemed to know that we would need to leave eventually, since we couldn’t get into the building and we’d need food water and shelter, but we were reluctant to go since the locked building was the only landmark that we could see— everything around was sand. We decided to make a video in which we introduced ourselves and said that we were going out to search for civilization, and then write the link to the video on the first page of the APUSH textbook (which was there for some reason). We were able to do this using my phone, meaning there was service there (meaning we could have just called emergency services but logic works differently in dreams). I was halfway through copying the link down with a pencil when my classmates (led by Miranda) decided the first video wasn’t good enough and we needed to make a second. I protested that I just needed to finish writing down the link, but everyone else was already getting in line so I did too. Miranda and another kid who might have been Sami started the new video by saying “Hi! We’re the APUSH class of 2018!” before walking the camera down the line as everyone introduced themselves individually. I woke up before it got to me.