Date: 7/15/2018
By belle7244
I was in this film class and no one liked me. My cousin, who’s like 29, was in it with me and we were each other’s only friends. Our teacher assigned us homework to make a short film about sexuality. I forgot to do it, but I realized I had another night to shoot and another in class day to edit. I watched the one film someone made, titled “asexuality”, which was some guy sitting uncomfortably in the movie theater with his gf. Then the presentation was over and school was out. My cousin turned into my friend who I haven’t talked to in awhile and for some reason my teacher now looks like Steve Carell. My friend and I go outside as I think of what I’m going to do for my project. We realize we’ve missed our bus. Also I’m outside my middle school for some reason. My friend, Matt, is acting very clingy and touchy, which is unusual for him. We run into another person I haven’t talked to in awhile—because he led me to believe he had feelings for me and then didn’t—and he was trying to act the same way Matt was but I kept my distance. I fell and Matt offered to help me up. I refused and I saw yet another friend who I haven’t talked to in forever—because I had feelings for him, never told him, and just kinda assumed he didn’t like me at all—and asked him to help me up. He helped me up and we talked and had the best time. Matt kept trying to be clingy but I was trying to get him to stop being touchy. My other friend stood up for me and Matt left. I thanked him and we kept talking. I tried to hint that I needed a ride home but he didn’t catch on. I ended up calling my mom. I waited for her once my friend left and I ate a rice crispy treat I had gotten in my film class. Angela, a good friend of mine, was on face time with my chem teacher from last year. She invited me on and I tried to talk to my chem teacher. He asked me questions but I still had food in my mouth that I couldn’t swallow for some reason. After awhile I apologized for it but he just hung up. My mom arrived and I left school. I thought this all was real.