The struggle is real

Date: 6/30/2024

By thetruecall

I had a two part dream First, I was some sort of law enforcement officer, a detective I think. Anyways, I had a handgun. I decided to go to a movie. I was in plain clothes, and I think I carried th gun in my waistband. There were no seats in the theater, so you sort of sat on the floor in a kind of amphitheater. The floor/ground had some type of impressions in that resembled bench seating. Strangely enough, I couldn’t get comfortable, and it must have been hot or something because i kept taking off clothes to cool off. I couldn’t find a good place or position to lay in. Other people started to crowd around me. A semi-attractive girl ended up sitting next to me and she seemed to be getting closer. At some point I realized I was naked indie a blanket so only sort of panicked, because no one else had taken there clothes off. I was trying to find my underwear while trying to keep the blanket over me when I realized my pistol was missing. I remember I had ejected the magazine and cleared the chamber, so I was relieved that no one would get shot, but I was panicking about losing my job if I couldn’t locate the gun fast enough. At first I thought this tiny dude had taken it because I saw him cleaning a gun, but when I confronted home I realized the gun he had wasn’t mine. I then found the gun laying on the ground under a blanket. Everyone had watched me trying to find my missing gun and I felt embarrassed. In the second dream I drive a big semi-truck type vehicle with a huge shovel in the front that covered the entire from of the. Vehicle. When I wasn’t driving the truck, I had to store the key in an elaborate puzzle-type contraption attached to the side of the truck next to the driver’s door. Anyways, I was driving along when I came upon a huge swamp in western Oklahoma. I decided to checkout those swamp (it was like a state park or something), so I got out the truck and stored my key in the contraption next to the driver’s door by pulling on some little pieces like nails. I then waded out into the swamp, which seemed to get deeper as I went along. Soon I came to a kind of ledge where the water ran down hill in a sort of stone aqueduct which transported water to a river below. I realized the water at the bottom used to be much higher and actually met the same water level where I was standing, but due to drought, poor water management, and climate change the water had largely disappeared below the ledge and now flowed in a small river below. I started walking down the aqueduct, but didn’t make it far because I saw alligators down below, so I decided to turn back. I then had a bunch of close encounters with alligators trying to get me. I eventually made it back to the swamp area and sort of swam back my vehicle. It took forever to manipulate the contraption holding the key, but once I got the key I took off.