Date: 12/14/2024
By blucanary
I don't remember the whole dream, just parts... I was trying to get out the front door, but the cats and a gray chunky little gerbil/hamster or mouse or something like that, were all hanging around the door. I shoo-d the cats away, but as soon as I opened the door, the little gerbil hamster mouse ran out (he had the body of a hamster, kinda more round than a mouse or rat and squishy-like, the long nose of a rat, the tail of rat or a mouse, so.. hamster mouse I guess). He saw a lizard run into a hole in the front of the house (on the wall, at the bottom, right by the front door). I tried grabbing him, but he managed to squeeze his chunky little body all the way in the hole! It was a tight squeeze though, I could see him struggling, and I worried he'd get stuck in that hole and suffocate to death. I felt horrible and didn't want that to happen! All that was left for me to grab was his tail, so I grabbed it, held on tightly, and pulled, hoping it wdnt rip off like a lizards tail does! I was kind of crouched down with my head near the doorknob ( I hadn't shut the door after the hamster mouse ran out bc I was so fixated on him, and I was between the open door and the wall on the left hand side of the door, in a little corner of the front porch area) and while trying to get hamster mouse out, I noticed something on the doorknob. I looked up at it and watched it for a moment more (still pulling on the hamster mouse) and I saw something flick out of the keyhole directly on the doorknob! Again, it flicked out, long and thin. It was a snake tongue! How did a snake get inside the door?! Do I tell my mom?? She's going to FREAK OUT! She is deathly afraid of snakes! It's ridiculous how scared she is of them! While debating in my mind how I'm going to tell my mom about the snake stuck inside our front door, I manage to get the hamster mouse out. I'm so happy to have saved him from getting stuck in the wall hole AND not ripping his tail off! I take him inside and show him to my mother, asking if she's ever seen him before. She has, but she's surprised he's still alive! Months ago, my little sisters friend came over and brought her pets gerbil hamster mice things, and one escaped. She thought for sure it had to be dead by now, but by the looks of him, he's been not only eating, but eating well. I say that the little girl will probably be excited to get her pet back. As I say that, my little sister walks up, but not just her - her and another one of her. And behind the second Jade (my little sister), is a second mom! Jade (the real Jade) says, "I was reading a book near the time excelerater and us from our past came out! I can't get them to go back!" I exclaim, "The time excelerater is broken?!" Just as I say that, two Ariels walk out! With long red hair, scales at the top of the legs that go down into normal human legs, and one with the purple seashells to cover her breast's and one with a teal sash covering hers (the same teal sash an Ariel doll my daughter had when she was young wore). I say, "What??! But Ariels not even real! She's not a real person!" My daughter, Harley, walks in and gives me a look. I tell her, "No! We're not getting anymore of you!" Her boyfriend is with her (except it's not her boyfriend irl). Her, her boyfriend, my mom, and I all walk away. We see a pathway in the middle of the house, resembling a short, broken, yellow brick road. We figure it has to have something to do with the time excelerater breaking and follow it. It leads to a room. We open the French doors and enter. There are two new paths, side by side, one with my name on it and one with my mom's. Harley immediately starts climbing the tree in the middle of the room. I tell her we want to follow these paths, but she says she wants to do hers first. I walk over to the tree and see that it has pieces of paper all over it. She's already a few branches up, and I ask if she's following it correctly. She asks "what?" I show her the little pieces of paper on each branch. They say things like, "if your favorite ice cream is strawberry, go to the branch on the left (with an arrow), but if you like chocolate better, go to the right". And "if your hair is still blonde, go to the branch on the left, if you colored your hair, go to the branch on the right". The paths for my mom and I have the same type of notes, but with questions that pertain to us, and more adult-like. Harley climbs down to restart her journey. The tree isn't that tall, so I know she'll reach the end before my mom and I would reach the end of our paths (they look long, we can't even see the end of them). It wouldn't be nice to make her wait for us before she could take her turn, so I wait for her as she does hers first. While we wait for her as she claims this tree in the middle of a room inside the house, her boyfriend is sitting on the edge of a bed with black sheets off to the back left side of the room. I sit opposite him, on the very edge. He's got blonde hair and round glasses (looks NOTHING like her bf irl). I ask him what his name is. He says Jimothy. I look at him wide eyed and ask him to repeat it. Jimothy. I say, "that's a unique name. Ive never met anyone with that name before" I have to hold back my laughter and stop myself from saying, "that's a really stupid name!" The reason it's so funny though is bc just the other night I had a dream with Harleys dad in it and I named him Jimothy bc I said he's a stupid man so he deserves a stupid name. Jimothy replies, "oh no, there's a lot of ppl named Jimothy!" I simply say, "oh really?" and that's where my cats woke me up for breakfast 🐈