Invaders, Vampires, Aerial, Youth

Date: 12/17/2023

By leusid

Earlier in the night I was dreaming that people were forcing their way into our apartment building, I saw other people trying to keep the doors closed but failed. I heard some folks calling these invading people "demons" which made me feel gross and conflicted because I thought I understood that they were people struggling with addiction and mental illness and stuff, but they were being very aggressive and violent and like coordinated, like a bunch of them were coming in and assaulting people and overwhelming us and it became clear at some point that we weren't gonna be able to stop them. The only direct confrontation I was involved in was with this pretty large and oddly-proportioned dude, but when I squared up like I was gonna try to fight him (cuz I didn't think I had another choice), he just started crying and cowering and begging me not to hurt him. I woke myself up shortly thereafter because I was stressed lol. Then I had a bunch more dreams that I basically remember none of, except what was happening right before I woke up this last time. I guess I was a vampire hunter or something lol, I climbed into the window of a big classroom. There were a lot of people frozen in place, at least one of them looked like a werewolf. I looked closely as I walked through the room and could barely see a couple of them breathing or wobbling slightly, so I guess they were just trying to hold still. I also my elementary school classmate Emma leaning forward and casually drawing on someone else's head. I said "classic Emma, making up her own rules!" I was preparing to fight this horde of people/vampires/whatever once they unfroze, but realized my partner-in-combat wasn't there, who I think was supposed to be Simon from Adventure Time. I tried to call him, but I think I knew he was busy/preoccupied with something and didn't answer. I started feeling nervous that I maybe wouldn't win this fight, wasn't sure what to do. The folks/vamps were kinda arguing about something, at one point one of them was accusing Hilda from Hilda of something and she was denying it. Then I don't know if this was supposed to be the action starting or what, but my property manager showed up and started bouncing and twisting and floating around in this weird cool flowy hammock sort of thing, and I was like floating above her and helping influence the movement of the thing, so I guess we were in an impromptu aerial performance lol. I thought it was beautiful, but then she started saying that everyone could see she doesn't have glitter flying off of her and that she's not as young as she once was. I ended up holding her on the ground trying to comfort her saying things that I unfortunately can't remember, but something about how not staying young is part of the beauty of life or something, which also made me cry a little. Then she also started crying and said she knew being young was gonna be better than being old.