I miss Obama

Date: 3/13/2018

By jthreethree

It was flurrying outside and I really wanted the day off from work, or at least a delay. But neither of these happened so I begrudgingly walked to the metro in the snow getting all wet. When on the metro I ran into some acquaintances. Mad at my office for not letting me have the day off, I decided to get off at the same stop as these people and skip out on work. It turns out they were college students and I was going to school with them. I followed them to their auditorium because there was supposed to be a surprise. It turns out the Obamas were speaking! More then just speaking; they were dancing, singing and giving out free Obama Swag. This was way better than moping in my cubicle all day long! I didn’t even care anymore that I didn’t tell my boss I wasn’t coming in. I got to shake Michelle’s hand which was awesome. The guy sitting next to me kept flirting with me and putting his hand on my knee, but I didn’t mind because he was pretty attractive. After it was over, I had to continue to pretend to be a student so I went to a math class. The desks were incredibly tiny and way too close together. I’m not very good at math so I had to pretend to pay attention and know what was going on. After class was over I tried to find the cute guy from earlier but couldn’t, so I decided it was finally time to head into work