Date: 12/12/2024
By blucanary
The dream centers around a group of young adults, the *main* character in the dream the beautiful blonde. She's young, as they all are, most likely about eighteen, maybe nineteen, years of age. Her blonde hair bobbed just above her shoulders, the ends flipped up in kind of a big way, big brown innocent doe-eyes, and is wearing a cobalt blue dress with tiny white polka-dots, 1950's housewife style. She is smiling brightly, and her personality is just as clean, adorable, and appealing as her appearance is. I'm going to call her Sally. With her is her boyfriend (lets call him Paul), he's tall, at least 6 foot, built like a football player, with thick brown hair, brown eyes, and a few brown little freckles resting upon his cheeks. He's wearing jeans and a red & white letterman jacket. With them is his best friend, Scottie. Built just like Paul, with black hair, wearing the same letterman jacket and jeans. He has his arm around his girlfriend, Sally's best friend, Constance. She has hair like Sally's, but it's black, just a tiny bit shorter, and not as thick (therefore the flip at the end doesn't go as high or hold as well). She has dark eyes as well, and freckles peppering her face. She appears to be all natural, where Sally has red lipstick, a touch of pink blush, eye-liner and mascara. Constance is shorter than Sally, probably barely 5 feet, where Sally is on the taller side at approx. 5'7". Constance is wearing a brown headband in her hair, but I can't remember her clothes.. I seem to possibly recall a white dress.. Anyway. The small group of friends are going away for the weekend to a cabin on a lake. This is their first time having a co-ed sleepover. Sally takes a great deal of pride in her purity. She knows that one day she'll marry Paul, and she's saving herself for their wedding night. By the time they reach the cabin, it's already dark. They park the car and have to walk just a little ways through some grass by the side of the lake to get to the cabin itself. With huge smiles and laughter, they hold on to each other and make small talk as they make their way to the door. Once inside the cabin, they put their stuff away and all gather in the living room. They sit around the coffee table. Sally, with her knees tightly together and her pretty dress with lace beneath, sits on the light brown couch, smiling that huge bright smile of hers as they all have a drink and talk about their plans for the weekend. Suddenly, the front door is KICKED in! The group is startled, their smiles all dropping as they look to the right to see three large men wearing all black, ski masks over the faces, and brandishing guns, come right at them. Paul and Scottie are immediately pistol-whipped so that they "don't try to be heroes". With blood running from just above their temples and down their cheeks, Paul is now on his hands and knees, trying to get his blurry sight to straighten itself out, while Scottie is unconscious on the blue carpet. Constance is in a state of shock and is too scared to move or make a sound. She's sitting in a love seat catty-corner to the couch, her jaw dropped, her hands tightly grasping the arms of the seat, legs tucked beneath her, eyes wide as she stares and just watches the scene unfolding before her. Sally, on the other hand, is screaming bloody murder. Her hands are going from covering her mouth, to running through her hair, messing up the pretty do she had just moments ago, and then just holding them up in front of her towards Paul, but not close enough to actually touch him. She's bouncing up and down in her seat, but can't get up or else she'll fall because her knees are so weak due to fear. One of the men keeps screaming at her to "SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" but she doesn't listen. I don't think she can even hear him at this point, her mind and focus are solely on Paul grabbing his bloodied head as he's still on his hands and knees, unable to get control of himself. The masked intruder puts a gun up to Sally's head and gives her one last warning, but this only makes her scream louder. He pulls the trigger. Her head flies violently backward as red spray covers her once blonde hair. There's a buzz all around the room, and the scene fades to gray and then black. Another scene appears. Sally, Constance, Scottie, and Paul are all there, on a large wrap-around porch. The house the porch is connected to is a large, light blue w/ white trim, Victorian style home, surrounded by large bushes full of absolutely stunning flowers in shades of purples & blues. The day is bright and sunny, everything is picture perfect. It's like a scene straight out of a 1950's love story or something. The girls are sitting at a large cherry-wood table with a long white lace table runner. They're facing the yard, their backs to the front door, just gazing out. Sally is wearing another blue dress, this one buttons up and has lace around the collar and the buttons, the sleeves are round and slightly puffy, and her hair is now done in more of a victory rolls style (another 1950's style). She has on black and white saddle shoes. Constance is sitting next to her, her hair the same as before, her dress white with sheer sleeves that are puffy and round like Sallys. Paul and Scottie are bringing bowls of food to the table. A big bowl of grapes, a large platter with a turkey on it, a gravy boat filled with brown gravy, all sorts of bowls with covered lids that I can't see inside of. It's a huge spread. Paul is wearing white pants and a white short sleeved sweater shirt w/ red and blue tiny trim around the collar and arms. Scottie is wearing white pants like Pauls, and a light yellow button-up shirt. The men fill everyone's plates, but the girls don't touch anything. Sally is still staring straight ahead, not blinking, not moving, practically drooling. The other three all look at one another. In front of the girls are wine glasses filled with a thick red liquid. Constance leans over and says something along the lines of, "we need to take our medication". She pulls a syringe out of her handbag (the kind without a needle, like the kind you put liquid medicine in to give to kittens or something, but much larger) and fills it with the red liquid from the wine glass. She then gently grabs Sally's face and inserts the syringe into the back of her throat. As she empties it entirely, white glistening fangs pop out of Sally's upper gums. When Constance finishes administering the "medicine" to Sally, she grabs the wine glass and finishes off what's left. She gulps it down hungrily, then runs her arm across her mouth to wipe it, leaving smears of red across her cheek and arm. Sally begins to come to just as the scene becomes fuzzy, and fades into a new scene. This is a memory of the night at the cabin. Again, I watch as Sally is shot in the head, her head thrown violently back, and the buzz filling the room. Complete chaos insued from there. A lot is being said, or rather screamed, but with the buzzing sound overpowering most of the noise, I can't make out specifics. Paul, his vision still blurry from being pistol-whipped, suddenly jumped to his feet and onto the back of the man that shot his love. He bit his ear, put him in a chokehold, anything he cd do in that position to weaken him. He grabbed the intruders arm and tried to get him to drop the gun. Instead of dropping it though, he started to randomly shot throughout the room. He hit both of his accomplices, taking them out, and unfortunately hit Constance as well. She was shot in the chest, not killing her right away, but Paul knew she wdnt survive the night. Constance knew it as well. Scottie finally regains consciousness and helps Paul take out the last intruder. They unmask them and realize they are friends of the person who lent them the cabin. It was a set-up. Afraid that others may be on their way, either as back-up, Plan B, or just to check that the job was done, Paul and Scottie grabbed the girls into their arms and run through the woods with them, screaming for help. Out of breath and unable to run any further, they collapsed and began sobbing uncontrollably, Sally dead and Constance close to it. Between their sobs, they don't even hear the man who approaches them from behind. A vampire. He has sympathy for these young people, and offers to help them. Sally hasn't been dead long, so he can bring her back to life if he hurries. She'll hv problems with her memory for a while though. Constance hasn't yet passed, so he can definitely give her new life without any issues plaguing her. The men, however, he won't change. He won't condemn someone to that life unless there's no other choice. Yet again, the scene fades to black. I don't get to witness him actually turning the girls. We're back on the wrap-around porch. Sally has just had the vision I saw. She's starting to freak out. She's screaming, and thrashing about, saying something about blood, and how she wanted to get married and have children, but will never be able to now. She says something about how it seems like years hv passed, but Paul tells her it's only been 5 days. Her friends are trying to grab her and calm her down, but are unsuccessful. AGAIN, the scene fades. Now, a new scene - a hospital room. White walls, white bed, white sheets, nurses in white uniforms tend to Sally thrashing about in her bed. They give her a shot filled with something to relax her. She calms down. It was just a dream. There was no vampire. She never drank blood. She's relieved. She is in the hospital though, hooked up to I.V.s with her head bandaged. What happened? Now, I finally see the real picture, not what Sally had dreamt up while laying in a hospital bed, which is what my entire dream had been until now, but what really happened. It isn't far from what she dreamt, but there are differences. It begins with the small group walking in the grass along the side of the lake to the cabin. They look different, though. Constance is wearing a thin white dress, almost sheer, with tiny little yellow flowers all over it. It goes down to her ankles, and cinches up at the chest, with spaghetti straps that tied on her shoulders; brown sandals that laced up her legs, and her hair was in a short pixie cut. The guys had long hair w/ beards and mustaches. Paul wore bell-bottoms jeans and a tight v-neck t-shirt. It was yellow with the Zig-Zag rolling papers logo on the front pocket (and covering the backside of the shirt as well). Scott has on a brown corduroy jacket and matching corduroy pants. Sally is wearing low-cut jeans and a purple crocheted triangle top that tied in the back and around her neck, her tummy & belly button exposed, as well as her entire back exposed except what's covered by her long completely straight blonde hair. She has no makeup on except for long fake lashes, reminiscent of the hippie model Twiggy, and some lip gloss. Her and Paul were all over each other, him smacking her butt and her winking at him, grabbing him in inappropriate places. It wasn't shown, but it was known that they were very intimate with one another. They were very comfortable and casual w/ sex. The dream she had had felt so real. She loved the person she was in the dream. A young woman in the 1950's, pure and virginal, beautiful in dress and personality, with a group of best friends that were just like her. Veey much in love with both Paul and life, awaiting her wedding night to a life full of children and wedded bliss. What more could a young woman truly want? To wake up in the hospital and find that the only parts of the horrific dream that she had that weren't true, were all the best parts, was mental torture. In her minds eye, she saw herself walking through the grass that night, and was so disgusted with herself and her life, her lack of self control and respect, her shamless promiscuity, that she once again becomes uncontrollable, thrashing about and screaming. My dream fades out for good this time as the nurses come running back in to tend to Sally once more....
AI generated interpretation This dream seems to be a complex and intricate reflection of various themes and emotions that may be present in your subconscious mind. Dreams often serve as a way for the mind to process and make sense of our experiences, thoughts, and emotions. The dream starts with a seemingly idyllic scene of young friends going on a weekend getaway, creating a sense of innocence and happiness. However, this is quickly disrupted by a violent intrusion, where Sally, the main character, experiences a traumatic and tragic event. This sudden shift from joy to horror may indicate feelings of vulnerability and fear in your waking life. The presence of the vampire in the dream may symbolize a darker aspect of the self or a fear of losing control. The act of the vampire offering to bring Sally back to life can suggest a desire for redemption or a second chance at life after a traumatic event. The vampire's refusal to turn the men into vampires may represent a sense of justice or accountability for one's actions. The shifting scenes and alternate realities in the dream may reflect a struggle with identity, morality, and personal choices. Sally's distress upon realizing the truth of her situation in the hospital room suggests a conflict between her idealized self-image and her perceived reality. This internal struggle may be a manifestation of feelings of guilt, shame, or disillusionment. The dream may also touch upon themes of love, loss, and the passage of time. The contrast between the innocent, 1950s-inspired scenes and the modern, more explicit and intimate moments with Paul highlights a tension between traditional values and contemporary attitudes towards relationships and sexuality. Overall, this dream appears to be a rich tapestry of emotions and conflicts, inviting you to explore deeper aspects of yourself and your innermost thoughts and feelings. It may be helpful to reflect on the themes and symbols present in the dream and consider how they resonate with your waking life experiences and emotions.