I don’t even know how to title this

Date: 12/20/2018

By macyeet

I was watching this tv show about this chick who gets powers and disappears for ten years. The show starts with a ten to twelve year old looking for her dad who has the same powers. They were on a field. The girl was running. She asked her dad how he got his powers and he said that he died twice. Once was from this woman who gave him a haircut and once was something I forget. The girl decides to do the same thing. She runs to a barn to get her powers and some voice tells her that she needs to get a haircut first. Then this wind lifts her up and her hair goes down to a bob. It seems kinda ominous. But then she gets her powers and it becomes nighttime. The girl disappears like she went through a rift in fortnite and she ends up in the sky looking ten years older. She smiles as she falls. Then the POV switches and I’m her. Only I’m a giant. And I can’t live with the humans anymore. So I start looking for my dad. When I finally find him he’s a giant too. We hug and everything. Then I leave and come back later to find out he’s in this floating chair with a table and he’s playing checkers with Jesus. He is sitting beside him because he doesn’t want to look at his face. Jesus seems like a chill guy. We all go to this party and we’re back to normal size again. The party has a bunch of Mexican stuff everywhere. The music, the food, and the people. It was a pretty fun party even though I don’t remember what happened. As we’re leaving dad tells me to open this can of meat so this persons dog gets distracted. Then we grab our dog which I didn’t know we had. This lady thinks we’re taking her cat. She comes over and looks at our dog. Then she apologized. We leave and she comes back with her dog. She asks us if we came in the same time as her. I don’t know so she asks her dog and he says yes. I’m not shocked. Then something cool happened but was interrupted by my alarm.