Sex with a Work Colleague 😳

Date: 3/27/2020

By amandalyle

I was in my bed kissing and fucking my work colleague. Halfway through, I realised his friend had been laying right next to us the whole time. “Oh, hi there.” I said, awkwardly. He then took that as a queue to join in. In the morning, the bed was empty and there was blood(?!) all over the bedsheets. I was freaked out. “What have I done?!” I thought. When I went downstairs, there was mess absolutely everywhere. Wine bottles, tins, crisp packets.... a sea of rubbish. I was frantically pacing around, picking it all up and shoving it into a black bag before the kids came down and saw what a state it was in... but, before I could rid the evidence, my son came down and asked me why the house was in such a state. I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. Next scene; I was on the school run. For some reason, I was riding this red kids scooter. Despite isolation, there were flocks of people around. They were all chatting and seemed really cheerful. I was the opposite, stressed out and miserable. I scooted right past everyone in a huff without so much as a “good morning” - I was a (wo)man on a mission. In order to get to the school, we had to cross a busy road... which was a nightmare with two kids on scooters. We eventually made it, in one piece, and into the school. I had to go into the canteen and place a food order for their lunch in order to register them, but I needed some type of evidence... which, sadly, I didn’t have. I walked out of the school feeling defeated, my boys in tow. “Bloody evidence!” I grunted. “Are you alright?” My mum asked, appearing out of nowhere. “Not really. The school won’t take the kids. They need evidence.” I replied. “How am I going to work, now?” Next scene; My husband had called me in a panic saying that my friend, Robee, had called him in a state, saying she had been kidnapped by a group of men. Concerned, I went straight online, to find she was absolutely fine and hadn’t been kidnapped. I called my husband back and explained. “No! The other Robee!” He said. “Other Robee?” I questioned. There was only one Robee? He sent me a picture of this random girl I didn’t know from Adam, apparently named Robee. To keep him happy, I decided to go along with it and reach out to her. I sent her a message asking how she was and she replied within seconds. It was some abbreviation that I’d never seen before, something like; FRRN which I Googled (Feeling Rubbish Right Now) - this isn’t a real abbreviation, but it was real in my dream. I asked her what was up and sure enough, she said she had been kidnapped by some men. My general feeling, after looking at her social media and previous postings, is that she was attention seeker and a waste of time, so I ended the chat. I was then scrolling through my old Facebook page (I have been Facebook free for 7-8 years) to find that all my Facebook friends were now a bunch of random people I didn’t know from Adam. I clicked on one, thinking he looked vaguely similar. Apparently we had had the briefest of conversations about the snowy weather from about 12 years ago. I sighed deeply and then signed off forever.