Goat Cat, Warm Snow, PSA

Date: 9/15/2020

By leusid

Finn was climbing on the wall at the OSG like one of those mountain goats that can stand on basically a vertical surface, he was just walking up the wall at an angle and I guess using his claws to grip the wall texture. He stopped near the ceiling and hesitated, seemingly starting to low-key panic. How was he gonna get out of this one? He was directly over one of the old dining chairs, and eventually he just fell and flopped onto the chair and rolled off onto the floor. Then he freaked out, but one of his back legs wasn't working, so he was just tearing around the house flopping all over the place because of his leg. I tried to get him to calm down, I don't remember how that went. Next thing I remember is we were on the hill out back. I became nearly lucid, and I was like "who wants to come explore with me?!" They said explore what and I said "my DREEEAMM WOOORRLD" haha, then I frolicked over and laid down on the ground and picked up some snow and it was warm, I was like "check it out!! Warm snow! Is this even possible??" I handed it to my mom and she was surprised and was like omg it is warm! Then I was like hey Julian check it out, but he didn't care so i tossed him over a clump. He grabbed it and there was like.. like a giant red lego block the width and length of like a dollar bill lol but the proportional height of a lego brick, but also it was like a playdough mold of a castle segment? Also it had a face on it lol. Then Julian started digging all these old toys up out of the snow/ground. Then I was playing kinda StarCraft, the graphics were old-school and it was still an rts but it also had like an open world overworld where I could go around to different buildings/areas and select them to play different levels. When I got out of the game there was some PSA about how "sure games might be addictive but so is jerking off so letting your kids play games more often will stop them from jerking off" and I was like omfg lmao the old days were weird, "Meaghan come watch this thing!" She came over and I was trying to get back into it to show her, but it was hella lagging, and also this whole time I still really wanted to go explore my dream world and had been thinking for a long time like damn if I keep fucking around for so long I'm just gonna wake up, classic. I was right, I woke up before I ever went to explore. And I was like maaan that wasn't even really meagh I can't believe I prioritized showing her something funny instead of lucid exploring lol.